Private Sub UserForm_Click()
Unload Me
End Sub
'Pulling in relevant information
'Selecting the area
Private Sub UserForm_Initialize()
Void = InsertTBs
End Sub
Function InsertTBs()
'Variable Declaration
'UserForm Declarations
Dim myForm As Object
Dim NewPart As MSForms.Label
Dim NewMachine As MSForms.Label
Dim NewToggleButton As MSForms.ToggleButton
'Counter Variables
Dim Parts As Integer
Dim Machines As Integer
Dim TBN As Integer
'Holder Variables
Dim TotalParts As Integer
Dim TotalMachines As Integer
'Initializing Variables
Set myForm = ThisWorkbook.VBProject.Item("BreakAtWill")
'Set PartFrame = Frame1_PartType.Controls.Add("Forms.Frame.1", "lbl1")
'Set MachineFrame = Frame2_Machine.Controls.Add("Forms.Frame.1", "lbl1")
'Set TBFrame = Frame3_U_NU.Controls.Add("Forms.Frame.1", "lbl1")
TBN = 0
TotalParts = 5
TotalMachines = 5
'Part Types
For Parts = 1 To TotalParts
'New Part Type
Set NewPart = myForm.designer.Controls.Add("Forms.label.1")
'Set NewPart = myForm.Frame1_PartType.Controls.Add("Forms.label.1", "PartType" & Parts)
'New Part's Properties
With NewPart
.Name = "PartType" & Parts
.Top = 12
.Left = 12 + 36 * (Parts) ' - 1)
.Width = 29.25
.Height = 29.25
.Caption = "Parts" & Parts
End With
Next Parts
'Machines could be nested inside the Toggle Buttons loop, but that makes this harder to read.
'Plus during development, moving this inside the loop did not affect the time for the userform to appear (Bias: done on small scale).
For Machines = 1 To TotalMachines
'New Machines
Set NewMachine = myForm.designer.Controls.Add("Forms.label.1")
'Set NewMachine = MachineFrame.designer.Controls.Add("Forms.label.1")
'Machines's Properties
With NewMachine
.Name = "Machine" & Machines
.Top = 12 + 36 * (Machines) ' - 1)
.Left = 12
.Width = 29.25
.Height = 29.25
.Caption = "Machine" & Machines
End With
Next Machines
'Toggle Buttons
For Machines = 1 To TotalMachines
For Parts = 1 To TotalParts
'New Toggle Button Number
TBN = TBN + 1
'New Toggle Button
Set NewToggleButton = myForm.designer.Controls.Add("Forms.togglebutton.1")
'Set NewToggleButton = TBFrame.designer.Controls.Add("Forms.togglebutton.1")
'Toggle Button's Properties
With NewToggleButton
.Name = "ToggleButton" & TBN
.Top = 12 + 36 * (Machines) ' - 1)
.Left = 12 + 36 * (Parts) ' - 1)
.Width = 29.25
.Height = 29.25
.TabIndex = TBN
.Caption = "Not Used"
End With
'Toggle Button's Code
'Places the code at the top of this UserForm's code
myForm.codemodule.insertlines 1, "'Toggle Button " & TBN
myForm.codemodule.insertlines 2, "Private Sub ToggleButton" & TBN & "_AfterUpdate()"
myForm.codemodule.insertlines 3, "If ToggleButton" & TBN & ".Value = True Then ToggleButton" & TBN & ".Caption = ""Used"" 'Used State "
myForm.codemodule.insertlines 4, "If ToggleButton" & TBN & ".Value = False Then ToggleButton" & TBN & ".Caption = ""Not Used"" 'Not Used State "
myForm.codemodule.insertlines 5, "End Sub"
'Updating Counters
Next Parts
Next Machines
End Function