
时间:2017-08-30 19:15:49

标签: javascript json forms


如何填充表单,JSON提供的表单名称中的对象是未知的,唯一的链接是表单元素,对象和JSON密钥的通用名称? JSON可能包含其他非表单和对象相关的数据。



// JavaScript objects declaration
var nonform = {objName: "nonform"};
var lorem = {objName: "lorem"};
var ipsum = {objName: "ipsum"};
var dolor = {objName: "dolor"};
var sit = {objName: "sit"};
var amet = {objName: "amet"};
var consectetur = {objName: "consectetur"};
var json={
"nonform": "some nonform data",
"lorem": "lorem input text",
"ipsum":"ipsum input text",
"dolor": 1,
"sit":"sit input text",
"consectetur": "sed"	

function displayObj (){
var str = "";
str += JSON.stringify(nonform) + "<br>";
str += JSON.stringify(lorem) + "<br>";
str += JSON.stringify(ipsum) + "<br>";
str += JSON.stringify(dolor) + "<br>";
str += JSON.stringify(sit) + "<br>";
str += JSON.stringify(amet) + "<br>";
str += JSON.stringify(consectetur);
document.getElementById("objects").innerHTML = str;

function jsonToForm(json) { //	populates form elements and objects with JSON data
	for (var x in json) {	// JSON iteration
		var id = x; // in my original code x has to be processed to match form and object names
		var element = document.getElementById(id);
		if (element) { // if JSON key corresponds to a non radio button (unique id) form element
			element.value = json[x];	// updates form values
			eval(id).val = json[x];	// updates object values
		} else if (document.getElementsByName(id)[0]) {	//	for radio buttons the name attribute is used as JSON key won't match separate radio button id's. NodeList[0] used instead of NodeList as some non radio button DOM elements matched the JSON key in my original code.
			var radios = document.getElementsByName(id);
			for (var i = 0; i < radios.length; i++) {	//	radio button iteration
				if (radios[i].value == json[x]) {
					eval(id).val = json[x];

window.onload = displayObj();
input, select {
	margin: 5px;
	<input type="text" id="lorem" name="lorem">
	<input type="text" id="ipsum" name="ipsum">
		<input type="radio" id="dolor_0" name="dolor" value="0">
		<input type="radio" id="dolor_1" name="dolor" value="1">
	<input type="text" id="sit" name="sit">
		<input type="radio" id="amet_0" name="amet" value="0">
		<input type="radio" id="amet_1" name="amet" value="1">
		<input type="radio" id="amet_2" name="amet" value="2">
	<select id="consectetur" name="consectetur">
		<option value="adipiscing">adipiscing</option>
		<option value="elit">elit</option>
		<option value="sed">sed</option>
		<option value="eiusmod ">eiusmod </option>
<div id="objects"> 
<input type="button" value="JSON to form and obj" onclick="jsonToForm(json)">

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