
时间:2017-08-30 17:50:13

标签: macos kivy appkit py2app kivy-language

我正忙着打包我的Kivy应用程序。目前我正在努力让它在OSX上运行。我没有运气Kivy文档中的方法或获得帮助,所以我决定尝试py2app。在开发模式下构建它非常有效,但在构建它以进行分发时,我在控制台中收到此错误。 (这似乎是10.12 osx问题)

Detected missing constraints for <private>.  It cannot be placed 
because there are not enough constraints to fully define the size and 
origin. Add the missing constraints, or set 
translatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints=YES and constraints will be 
generated for you. If this view is laid out manually on macOS 10.12 and 
later, you may choose to not call [super layout] from your override. 
Set a breakpoint on DETECTED_MISSING_CONSTRAINTS to debug. This error 
will only be logged once.


使用的版本: Python 3.6 kivy 1.10.0 py2app 0.14


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