Ruby Axlsx真正的列自动宽度?

时间:2017-08-29 21:09:18

标签: ruby excel column-width axlsx


  ws.add_row ["this is just a test to see how far it will go because column will not show", "test", "this is also a testtt"]
  ws.add_row [""]

默认情况下,列似乎使用自动宽度,但即使没有,我也尝试将:widths=>[:auto, :auto, :auto]添加到我的add_row代码中。似乎某种自动调整应用于我的列,因为第一个长列正在扩展以适应大多数单元格。但它并不适合整个细胞,只是扩展到足以适应大多数细胞,但不会留下最后一两个字。

任何实现 true 自动调整功能的方法吗?

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)


from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
import requests
import csv

with open('URLs.csv') as a, open('OutputList.csv', 'w') as b:

    reader = csv.reader(a)

    writer = csv.writer(b, quoting=csv.QUOTE_ALL)
    writer.writerow(['StreetName', 'Description'])

    # Assuming url is the first field in the CSV
    for url, *_ in reader:
        r = requests.get(url)
        if r.ok:
            soup = BeautifulSoup(r.text, 'lxml')
            street_name = soup.find('div', class_='hist-title').text.strip()
            description = soup.find('div', class_='hist-content').text.strip()
            writer.writerow([street_name, description])