我正在创建一个包含多个标记的跟踪应用程序。我还添加了基于google's arrow example的矢量线。除了一个功能,它工作正常。当我从数据库更新位置时,它会根据车辆删除旧标记并更新位置和标记。问题是无论我尝试什么我都无法删除旧的向量(line和lineSymbol)。我尝试了setmap null,空路径,删除,删除但不知何故它不起作用。有什么想法吗?
var locations = {}; //A repository for markers (and the data from which they were contructed).
//initial dataset for markers
var locs = {
1: {
info: '11111. Some random info here',
lat: -37.8139,
lng: 144.9634
2: {
info: '22222. Some random info here',
lat: 46.0553,
lng: 14.5144
3: {
info: '33333. Some random info here',
lat: -33.7333,
lng: 151.0833
4: {
info: '44444. Some random info here',
lat: 27.9798,
lng: -81.731
var map = new google.maps.Map(document.getElementById('map_2385853'), {
zoom: 1,
maxZoom: 8,
minZoom: 1,
streetViewControl: false,
center: new google.maps.LatLng(40, 0),
mapTypeId: google.maps.MapTypeId.ROADMAP
var infowindow = new google.maps.InfoWindow();
var auto_remove = true; //When true, markers for all unreported locs will be removed.
function setMarkers(locObj) {
if (auto_remove) {
//Remove markers for all unreported locs, and the corrsponding locations entry.
$.each(locations, function(key) {
if (!locObj[key]) {
if (locations[key].marker) {
delete locations[key];
$.each(locObj, function(key, loc) {
if (!locations[key] && loc.lat !== undefined && loc.lng !== undefined) {
//Marker has not yet been made (and there's enough data to create one).
var line = new google.maps.Polyline({
path: [{
lat: loc.lat,
lng: loc.lng
}, {
lat: 41.0553,
lng: 24.17
map: map,
//Create marker
loc.marker = new google.maps.Marker({
position: new google.maps.LatLng(loc.lat, loc.lng),
map: map
//Attach click listener to marker
google.maps.event.addListener(loc.marker, 'click', (function(key) {
return function() {
if (locations[key]) {
infowindow.open(map, locations[key].marker);
//Remember loc in the `locations` so its info can be displayed and so its marker can be deleted.
locations[key] = loc;
} else if (locations[key] && loc.remove) {
//Remove marker from map
if (locations[key].marker) {
//Remove element from `locations`
delete locations[key];
} else if (locations[key]) {
//Update the previous data object with the latest data.
$.extend(locations[key], loc);
if (loc.lat !== undefined && loc.lng !== undefined) {
//Update marker position (maybe not necessary but doesn't hurt).
new google.maps.LatLng(loc.lat, loc.lng)
var line = new google.maps.Polyline({
path: [{
lat: loc.lat,
lng: loc.lng
}, {
lat: 41.0553,
lng: 24.17
map: map,
//locations[key].info looks after itself.
var ajaxObj = { //Object to save cluttering the namespace.
options: {
url: "........", //The resource that delivers loc data.
dataType: "json" //The type of data tp be returned by the server.
delay: 10000, //(milliseconds) the interval between successive gets.
errorCount: 0, //running total of ajax errors.
errorThreshold: 5, //the number of ajax errors beyond which the get cycle should cease.
ticker: null, //setTimeout reference - allows the get cycle to be cancelled with clearTimeout(ajaxObj.ticker);
get: function() { //a function which initiates
if (ajaxObj.errorCount < ajaxObj.errorThreshold) {
ajaxObj.ticker = setTimeout(getMarkerData, ajaxObj.delay);
fail: function(jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown) {
//Ajax master routine
function getMarkerData() {
.done(setMarkers) //fires when ajax returns successfully
.fail(ajaxObj.fail) //fires when an ajax error occurs
.always(ajaxObj.get); //fires after ajax success or ajax error
setMarkers(locs); //Create markers from the initial dataset served with the document.
//ajaxObj.get();//Start the get cycle.
// *******************
//test: simulated ajax
var testLocs = {
1: {
info: '1. New Random info and new position',
lat: 0,
lng: 144.9634
}, //update info and position
2: {
lat: 0,
lng: 14.5144
}, //update position
3: {
info: '3. New Random info'
}, //update info
5: {
info: '55555. Added',
lat: 0,
lng: 60
} //add new marker
setTimeout(function() {
}, ajaxObj.delay);
// *******************
答案 0 :(得分:1)
function setMarkers(locObj) {
if (auto_remove) {
//Remove markers for all unreported locs, and the corrsponding locations entry.
$.each(locations, function(key) {
if (!locObj[key]) {
if (locations[key].marker) {
if (locations[key].line) {
delete locations[key];
$.each(locObj, function(key, loc) {
if (!locations[key] && loc.lat !== undefined && loc.lng !== undefined) {
//Marker has not yet been made (and there's enough data to create one).
// create the line for it as well
loc.line = new google.maps.Polyline({
path: [{
lat: loc.lat,
lng: loc.lng
}, {
lat: 41.0553,
lng: 24.17
map: map
//Create marker
loc.marker = new google.maps.Marker({
position: new google.maps.LatLng(loc.lat, loc.lng),
map: map,
title: key
//Attach click listener to marker
google.maps.event.addListener(loc.marker, 'click', (function(key) {
return function() {
if (locations[key]) {
infowindow.open(map, locations[key].marker);
//Remember loc in the `locations` so its info can be displayed and so its marker can be deleted.
locations[key] = loc;
} else if (locations[key] && loc.remove) {
//Remove marker from map
if (locations[key].marker) {
//Remove the line from the map
if (locations[key].line) {
//Remove element from `locations`
delete locations[key];
} else if (locations[key]) {
//Update the previous data object with the latest data.
$.extend(locations[key], loc);
if (loc.lat !== undefined && loc.lng !== undefined) {
//Update marker position (maybe not necessary but doesn't hurt).
new google.maps.LatLng(loc.lat, loc.lng)
if (locations[key].line && locations[key].line.setMap) {
// if existing line, update its path
lat: loc.lat,
lng: loc.lng
}, {
lat: 41.0553,
lng: 24.17
$(document).ready(function() {
var locations = {}; //A repository for markers (and the data from which they were contructed).
//initial dataset for markers
var locs = {
1: {
info: '11111. Some random info here',
lat: -37.8139,
lng: 144.9634
2: {
info: '22222. Some random info here',
lat: 46.0553,
lng: 14.5144
3: {
info: '33333. Some random info here',
lat: -33.7333,
lng: 151.0833
4: {
info: '44444. Some random info here',
lat: 27.9798,
lng: -81.731
var map = new google.maps.Map(document.getElementById('map'), {
zoom: 1,
maxZoom: 8,
minZoom: 1,
streetViewControl: false,
center: new google.maps.LatLng(40, 0),
mapTypeId: google.maps.MapTypeId.ROADMAP
var infowindow = new google.maps.InfoWindow();
var auto_remove = true; //When true, markers for all unreported locs will be removed.
function setMarkers(locObj) {
if (auto_remove) {
//Remove markers for all unreported locs, and the corrsponding locations entry.
$.each(locations, function(key) {
if (!locObj[key]) {
if (locations[key].marker) {
if (locations[key].line) {
delete locations[key];
$.each(locObj, function(key, loc) {
if (!locations[key] && loc.lat !== undefined && loc.lng !== undefined) {
//Marker has not yet been made (and there's enough data to create one).
loc.line = new google.maps.Polyline({
path: [{
lat: loc.lat,
lng: loc.lng
}, {
lat: 41.0553,
lng: 24.17
map: map,
//Create marker
loc.marker = new google.maps.Marker({
position: new google.maps.LatLng(loc.lat, loc.lng),
map: map,
title: key
//Attach click listener to marker
google.maps.event.addListener(loc.marker, 'click', (function(key) {
return function() {
if (locations[key]) {
infowindow.open(map, locations[key].marker);
//Remember loc in the `locations` so its info can be displayed and so its marker can be deleted.
locations[key] = loc;
} else if (locations[key] && loc.remove) {
//Remove marker from map
if (locations[key].marker) {
if (locations[key].line) {
//Remove element from `locations`
delete locations[key];
} else if (locations[key]) {
//Update the previous data object with the latest data.
$.extend(locations[key], loc);
if (loc.lat !== undefined && loc.lng !== undefined) {
//Update marker position (maybe not necessary but doesn't hurt).
new google.maps.LatLng(loc.lat, loc.lng)
if (locations[key].line && locations[key].line.setMap) {
// if existing line, update its path
lat: loc.lat,
lng: loc.lng
}, {
lat: 41.0553,
lng: 24.17
var ajaxObj = { //Object to save cluttering the namespace.
options: {
url: "........", //The resource that delivers loc data.
dataType: "json" //The type of data tp be returned by the server.
delay: 10000, //(milliseconds) the interval between successive gets.
errorCount: 0, //running total of ajax errors.
errorThreshold: 5, //the number of ajax errors beyond which the get cycle should cease.
ticker: null, //setTimeout reference - allows the get cycle to be cancelled with clearTimeout(ajaxObj.ticker);
get: function() { //a function which initiates
if (ajaxObj.errorCount < ajaxObj.errorThreshold) {
ajaxObj.ticker = setTimeout(getMarkerData, ajaxObj.delay);
fail: function(jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown) {
//Ajax master routine
function getMarkerData() {
.done(setMarkers) //fires when ajax returns successfully
.fail(ajaxObj.fail) //fires when an ajax error occurs
.always(ajaxObj.get); //fires after ajax success or ajax error
setMarkers(locs); //Create markers from the initial dataset served with the document.
//ajaxObj.get();//Start the get cycle.
// *******************
//test: simulated ajax
var testLocs = {
1: {
info: '1. New Random info and new position',
lat: 0,
lng: 144.9634
}, //update info and position
2: {
lat: 0,
lng: 14.5144
}, //update position
3: {
info: '3. New Random info',
lat: 45,
lng: -117
}, //update info
5: {
info: '55555. Added',
lat: 0,
lng: 60
} //add new marker
setTimeout(function() {
}, ajaxObj.delay);
// *******************
#map {
height: 100%;
width: 100%;
padding: 0px;
margin: 0px;
<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.1.1/jquery.min.js"></script>
<script src="https://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/js"></script>
<div id="map"></div>