
时间:2017-08-29 10:11:29

标签: c

int main()
char a[100];
long int n,i,j,k,l,sum,p,q;

    for(i=0; i<pow(10,l); i++)
        else if(l==4)
        else if(l==8)
            for(k=0; k<l-j; k++)
            for(k=0; k<j; k++)
return 0;

我不明白这个输出是什么。我试图找出奇怪的数字。我是初学者。请帮助。 关于quirksome号码: 数字3025有一个非常奇怪的怪癖:如果你把它的十进制表示分成两个相等的字符串 长度(30和25)和平方所得数字的总和,你得到原始数字:

(30 + 25) 2 = 3025

2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)


它要求<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.1.1/jquery.min.js"></script> <h3>inline editing with contenteditable & jquery</h3> <div class="box"> <span class="edit">edit</span> <span class="save">save</span> <div class="text"> Hover this box and click on edit! - You can edit me then. <br>When you finished - click save and you saved it. </div> </div>,这将是数字的长度。 l必须为2,4或8(代码不会检查此内容)。

对于从1到10的每个值li的幂,它将数字分成两部分,然后执行&#34; quirksome&#34;计算到l

如果总和等于当前sum,则它是一个奇怪的数字并打印出来。打印有点奇怪,忘记了字符串i。 (a之前必须有puts(a);)。可以使用a[k]=0;


答案 1 :(得分:0)

看看这段代码 - brutforce finder。很容易让它更快,但我留给你。我使用过microsoft特定的函数,但很容易将它改为C库实现的

int isQuirksome(unsigned long long number)
    int result = 0, len;
    char strnumber[50], first[50], second[50];

    if (number < 10ULL) result = -1;
    if (result != -1)
        _ui64toa(number, strnumber, 10);  // microsoft specific use the one from your library
        len = strlen(strnumber);
        result = 0;

        for (int i = 1; i < len; i++)
            unsigned long long FirstValue, SecondValue, sum;

            strncpy(first, strnumber, i);
            strncpy(second, strnumber + i, len - i);
            first[i] = 0;
            second[len - i] = 0;

            FirstValue = _strtoui64(first, NULL, 10);
            SecondValue = _strtoui64(second, NULL, 10);
            sum = FirstValue + SecondValue;
            if ((sum * sum) == number)
                result = i;
    return result;

int main(int argc, char **argv)

    char result[50];

    for (unsigned long long i = 10; i < ULLONG_MAX; i++)
        int pos;
        if ((pos = isQuirksome(i)) > 0)
            printf("Found !!!! %llu is the QuikSome Number position of the split is %d\n", i, pos);


Found !!!! 81           is the QuikSome Number position of the split is 1
Found !!!! 100          is the QuikSome Number position of the split is 2
Found !!!! 2025                 is the QuikSome Number position of the split is 2
Found !!!! 3025                 is the QuikSome Number position of the split is 2
Found !!!! 9801                 is the QuikSome Number position of the split is 2
Found !!!! 10000                is the QuikSome Number position of the split is 3
Found !!!! 88209                is the QuikSome Number position of the split is 2
Found !!!! 494209               is the QuikSome Number position of the split is 3
Found !!!! 998001               is the QuikSome Number position of the split is 3
Found !!!! 1000000              is the QuikSome Number position of the split is 4
Found !!!! 4941729              is the QuikSome Number position of the split is 3
Found !!!! 7441984              is the QuikSome Number position of the split is 3
Found !!!! 23804641             is the QuikSome Number position of the split is 3
Found !!!! 24502500             is the QuikSome Number position of the split is 4
Found !!!! 25502500             is the QuikSome Number position of the split is 4
Found !!!! 28005264             is the QuikSome Number position of the split is 2
Found !!!! 52881984             is the QuikSome Number position of the split is 4
Found !!!! 60481729             is the QuikSome Number position of the split is 4
Found !!!! 99980001             is the QuikSome Number position of the split is 4
Found !!!! 100000000            is the QuikSome Number position of the split is 5