我想将图像的完整目录传递给下面的脚本来执行lbp算法并获取所有lbp图像与原始图像的名称相同但保存到另一个文件夹中。 现在我只能处理一个图像,并且输出与原始图像名称不同,只能用" output.tif"名称 。 主:
import os.path
import argparse
from algorithms import *
def main():
# Argument parsing
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Run the local binary patterns algorithm using either a single process or multiple processes.')
parser.add_argument('--input', dest='input', type=str, default='input.png', help='file name of the input image')
parser.add_argument('--algorithm', dest='algorithm', type=str, default='lbp', help='algorithm to use: "lbp", "multi-lbp" or "multi-split-lbp"')
parser.add_argument('--processes', dest='processes', type=int, default=1, help='number of processes to use (only relevant for multiprocessing)')
parser.add_argument('--output', dest='output', action='store_true', default=False, help='whether or not an output image should be produced')
arguments = parser.parse_args()
algorithms = {
"lbp": LBP.LBP,
"multi-lbp": Multiprocessing_LBP.Multiprocessing_LBP,
"multi-lbp-mpi": Multiprocessing_LBP_MPI.Multiprocessing_LBP_MPI,
"multi-split-lbp": Multiprocessing_Split_LBP.Multiprocessing_Split_LBP
if arguments.algorithm not in algorithms:
print("Invalid algorithm '{}'".format(arguments.algorithm))
algorithm_class = algorithms[arguments.algorithm]
if os.path.isfile(arguments.input):
run = algorithm_class(arguments.input, arguments.processes, arguments.output)
print("File '{}' does not exist.".format(arguments.input))
if __name__ == "__main__":
import numpy as np
from PIL import Image
from os.path import basename
class LBP:
def __init__(self, input, num_processes, output):
# Convert the image to grayscale
self.image = Image.open(input).convert("L")
self.width = self.image.size[0]
self.height = self.image.size[1]
self.patterns = []
self.num_processes = num_processes
self.output = output
def execute(self):
if self.output:
def _process(self):
pixels = list(self.image.getdata())
pixels = [pixels[i * self.width:(i + 1) * self.width] for i in xrange(self.height)]
# Calculate LBP for each non-edge pixel
for i in xrange(1, self.height - 1):
# Cache only the rows we need (within the neighborhood)
previous_row = pixels[i - 1]
current_row = pixels[i]
next_row = pixels[i + 1]
for j in xrange(1, self.width - 1):
# Compare this pixel to its neighbors, starting at the top-left pixel and moving
# clockwise, and use bit operations to efficiently update the feature vector
pixel = current_row[j]
pattern = 0
pattern = pattern | (1 << 0) if pixel < previous_row[j-1] else pattern
pattern = pattern | (1 << 1) if pixel < previous_row[j] else pattern
pattern = pattern | (1 << 2) if pixel < previous_row[j+1] else pattern
pattern = pattern | (1 << 3) if pixel < current_row[j+1] else pattern
pattern = pattern | (1 << 4) if pixel < next_row[j+1] else pattern
pattern = pattern | (1 << 5) if pixel < next_row[j] else pattern
pattern = pattern | (1 << 6) if pixel < next_row[j-1] else pattern
pattern = pattern | (1 << 7) if pixel < current_row[j-1] else pattern
def _output(self):
# Write the result to an image file
result_image = Image.new(self.image.mode, (self.width - 2, self.height - 2))
import numpy as np
from PIL import Image
from multiprocessing import Process, Queue
from LBP import LBP
class Multiprocessing_LBP(LBP):
def __init__(self, input, num_processes, output):
LBP.__init__(self, input, num_processes, output)
def execute(self):
if self.output:
def _process(self, process_id, pixels, queue):
# Set the left and right bounds of the segment to process
segment_height = int(np.floor(self.height / self.num_processes))
left_bound = (process_id * segment_height) if process_id != 0 else 1
right_bound = (process_id * segment_height) + segment_height
if process_id == (self.num_processes - 1):
# The last process should also process any remaining rows
right_bound = self.height - 1
# Calculate LBP for each non-edge pixel in the segment
patterns = []
for i in xrange(left_bound, right_bound):
# Cache only the rows we need (within the neighborhood)
previous_row = pixels[i - 1]
current_row = pixels[i]
next_row = pixels[i + 1]
for j in xrange(1, self.width - 1):
# Compare this pixel to its neighbors, starting at the top-left pixel and moving
# clockwise, and use bit operations to efficiently update the feature vector
pixel = current_row[j]
pattern = 0
pattern = pattern | (1 << 0) if pixel < previous_row[j-1] else pattern
pattern = pattern | (1 << 1) if pixel < previous_row[j] else pattern
pattern = pattern | (1 << 2) if pixel < previous_row[j+1] else pattern
pattern = pattern | (1 << 3) if pixel < current_row[j+1] else pattern
pattern = pattern | (1 << 4) if pixel < next_row[j+1] else pattern
pattern = pattern | (1 << 5) if pixel < next_row[j] else pattern
pattern = pattern | (1 << 6) if pixel < next_row[j-1] else pattern
pattern = pattern | (1 << 7) if pixel < current_row[j-1] else pattern
'process_id': process_id,
'patterns': patterns
def _distribute(self):
pixels = np.array(self.image)
# Spawn the processes
processes = []
queue = Queue()
for process_id in xrange(self.num_processes):
process = Process(target=self._process, args=(process_id, pixels, queue))
# Wait for all processes to finish
results = [queue.get() for process in processes]
[process.join() for process in processes]
# Format the pixels correctly for the output function,
# which expects a linear list of pixel values.
results = sorted(results, key=lambda k: k['process_id'])
for result in results:
import time
import numpy as np
from PIL import Image
from LBP import LBP
from mpi4py import MPI
class Multiprocessing_LBP_MPI(LBP):
def __init__(self, input, num_processes, output):
LBP.__init__(self, input, num_processes, output)
self.communicator = MPI.COMM_WORLD
self.process_id = self.communicator.rank
self.num_processes = self.communicator.size
def execute(self):
if self.process_id == 0:
if self.output:
pixels = np.array(self.image)
def _run_master(self):
num_processes = self.num_processes - 1
results = [0] * num_processes
status = MPI.Status()
# Collect results of the slave processes
while 0 in results:
if self.communicator.Iprobe(source=MPI.ANY_SOURCE, tag=MPI.ANY_TAG, status=status):
process_id = status.Get_source()
results[process_id - 1] = self.communicator.recv(source=process_id, tag=MPI.ANY_TAG)
# Format the pixels correctly for the output function,
# which expects a linear list of pixel values.
for result in results:
def _run_slave(self, pixels):
# Exclude the master process from the LBP work
num_processes = self.num_processes - 1
process_id = self.process_id - 1
# Set the left and right bounds of the segment to process
segment_height = int(np.floor(self.height / num_processes))
left_bound = (process_id * segment_height) if process_id != 0 else 1
right_bound = (process_id * segment_height) + segment_height
if process_id == num_processes - 1:
# The last process should also process any remaining rows
right_bound = self.height - 1
# Calculate LBP for each non-edge pixel in the segment
patterns = []
for i in xrange(left_bound, right_bound):
# Cache only the rows we need (within the neighborhood)
previous_row = pixels[i - 1]
current_row = pixels[i]
next_row = pixels[i + 1]
for j in xrange(1, self.width - 1):
# Compare this pixel to its neighbors, starting at the top-left pixel and moving
# clockwise, and use bit operations to efficiently update the feature vector
pixel = current_row[j]
pattern = 0
pattern = pattern | (1 << 0) if pixel < previous_row[j-1] else pattern
pattern = pattern | (1 << 1) if pixel < previous_row[j] else pattern
pattern = pattern | (1 << 2) if pixel < previous_row[j+1] else pattern
pattern = pattern | (1 << 3) if pixel < current_row[j+1] else pattern
pattern = pattern | (1 << 4) if pixel < next_row[j+1] else pattern
pattern = pattern | (1 << 5) if pixel < next_row[j] else pattern
pattern = pattern | (1 << 6) if pixel < next_row[j-1] else pattern
pattern = pattern | (1 << 7) if pixel < current_row[j-1] else pattern
# Send the results to the master process and stop this slave process
self.communicator.send(patterns, dest=0, tag=0)
import numpy as np
from PIL import Image
from multiprocessing import Process, Queue
from Multiprocessing_LBP import Multiprocessing_LBP
class Multiprocessing_Split_LBP(Multiprocessing_LBP):
def __init__(self, input, num_processes, output):
Multiprocessing_LBP.__init__(self, input, num_processes, output)
def _process(self, process_id, pixels, queue):
# Determine the bounds for processing
left_bound = 0
if process_id == 0:
left_bound = 1
right_bound = pixels.shape[0] - 1
if process_id == (self.num_processes - 1):
right_bound -= 1
# Calculate LBP for each non-edge pixel in the segment
patterns = []
for i in xrange(left_bound, right_bound):
# Cache only the rows we need (within the neighborhood)
previous_row = pixels[i - 1]
current_row = pixels[i]
next_row = pixels[i + 1]
for j in xrange(1, self.width - 1):
# Compare this pixel to its neighbors, starting at the top-left pixel and moving
# clockwise, and use bit operations to efficiently update the feature vector
pixel = current_row[j]
pattern = 0
pattern = pattern | (1 << 0) if pixel < previous_row[j-1] else pattern
pattern = pattern | (1 << 1) if pixel < previous_row[j] else pattern
pattern = pattern | (1 << 2) if pixel < previous_row[j+1] else pattern
pattern = pattern | (1 << 3) if pixel < current_row[j+1] else pattern
pattern = pattern | (1 << 4) if pixel < next_row[j+1] else pattern
pattern = pattern | (1 << 5) if pixel < next_row[j] else pattern
pattern = pattern | (1 << 6) if pixel < next_row[j-1] else pattern
pattern = pattern | (1 << 7) if pixel < current_row[j-1] else pattern
'process_id': process_id,
'patterns': patterns
def _distribute(self):
pixels = np.array(self.image)
segment_height = int(np.floor(self.height / self.num_processes))
processes = []
queue = Queue()
for process_id in xrange(self.num_processes):
# Pass only the part of the image that the process needs to work with.
# This is done in order to make the processes work independently.
# Because of the neighborhood, each segment should partially overlap
# with the next and/or previous segment.
left_bound = process_id * segment_height
right_bound = left_bound + segment_height
if process_id > 0:
left_bound -= 1
if process_id == (self.num_processes - 1):
# The last process should also process any remaining rows
right_bound = self.height
# Start the process and pass only the pixels within the bounds
segment_pixels = pixels[left_bound:right_bound]
process = Process(target=self._process, args=(process_id, segment_pixels, queue))
# Wait for all processes to finish
results = [queue.get() for process in processes]
[process.join() for process in processes]
# Format the pixels correctly for the output function,
# which expects a linear list of pixel values.
results = sorted(results, key=lambda k: k['process_id'])
for result in results:
答案 0 :(得分:0)
directorio = 'mydirec/orie/123'
for filename in os.listdir(directorio):
final = ("images/" + filename)
print (final)
if os.path.isfile(final):
run = algorithm_class(final, arguments.processes, arguments.output)