所以昨天我复制/粘贴了一半写了这个批处理文件,根据一周中的某一天自动执行某些任务。它运作得很好,但今天它停了下来。它只是说" Echo是ON"而不是在控制台上写一天中的那一周[1,7]整数,昨天它做得很好......
@echo off & Setlocal
Set "_=mon tues wed thurs fri sat sun"
For /f %%# In ('WMIC Path Win32_LocalTime Get DayOfWeek^|Findstr [1-7]') Do (
Set DOW=%%#)
:: Line below is supposed to write day of the week as [1,7] integer at the console. It did that and the rest worked fine yesterday, but not today.
echo %DOW%
@echo off
IF %DOW%==1 (goto monday)
IF %DOW%==2 (goto tuesday)
IF %DOW%==3 (goto wednesday)
IF %DOW%==4 (goto thursday)
IF %DOW%==5 (goto friday)
IF %DOW%==6 (goto saturday)
IF %DOW%==7 (goto sunday)
goto finish
:: do something
goto finish
:: do something
goto finish
:: do something
goto finish
:: do something
goto finish
:: do something
goto finish
:: do something
goto finish
echo finished running
答案 0 :(得分:1)
输出并不依赖于区域设置。这样可以轻松编写独立于区域设置的代码。 DayOfWeek使用[0 ... 6](其中0 =星期日)。
将Findstr [1-7]
更改为Findstr [0-6]
和IF %DOW%==7 (goto sunday)
到IF %DOW%==0 (goto sunday)
答案 1 :(得分:0)
答案 2 :(得分:0)
Weekday Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun
USdow 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
EUdow 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Set /A USdow = EUdow %% 7
我建议使用powershell直接获取工作日名称。 您不必将数字转换为具有多个IF的标签,但可以 使用日期名称本身:
:: Q:\Test\2017\08\27\SO_45905800.cmd
@echo off & Setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
For /f %%# in ('powershell -NoP -c "(get-date).DayOfWeek"') Do Set "DoW=%%#"
echo:Day of week is: %DoW%
Call :%DoW% passed %DoW%
goto :Eof
:: do something
echo sub %0 Arguments %*
goto :Eof
:: do something
echo sub %0 Arguments %*
goto :Eof
:: do something
echo sub %0 Arguments %*
goto :Eof
:: do something
echo sub %0 Arguments %*
goto :Eof
:: do something
echo sub %0 Arguments %*
goto :Eof
:: do something
echo sub %0 Arguments %*
goto :Eof
:: do something
echo sub %0 Arguments %*
goto :Eof
> Q:\Test\2017\08\27\SO_45905800.cmd
Day of week is: Sunday
sub :Sunday Arguments pass Sunday