我目前在Excel for MAC 2016中使用以下VBA代码:
Sub MailWorkSheet()
Dim SourceWb As Workbook, DestWb As Workbook, sh As Worksheet
Dim strbody As String, TempFileName As String
If Val(Application.Version) < 15 Then Exit Sub
Application.Calculation = xlCalculationManual
Application.DisplayAlerts = False
'Check if the Script File is in the correct location
If CheckScript(ScriptFileName:="ExcelOutlook.scpt") = False Then
MsgBox "Sorry the ExcelOutlook.scpt file is not in the correct
location, " & _
"Email File Manually."
Exit Sub
End If
With Application
.ScreenUpdating = False
.EnableEvents = False
End With
'Set reference to the source workbook
Set SourceWb = ActiveWorkbook
'Create the body text in the strbody string
strbody = "<FONT size=""3"" face=""Calibri"">"
strbody = strbody & "Hello:" & "<br>" & "<br>" & _
"XXXXXXX." & "<br>" & _
" " & "<br>" & _
"XXXXXXX." & "<br>" & _
" " & "<br>" & _
strbody = strbody & "</FONT>"
'Copy the ActiveSheet to a new workbook
Set DestWb = ActiveWorkbook
'Delete the button on the one sheet workbook
On Error Resume Next
DestWb.Sheets(1).DrawingObjects.Visible = True
On Error GoTo 0
'Enter the name of the file just created
TempFileName = "Long Lane Merit Sheet" & " " _
& Range("A2") & " " & Format(Now, "mmm-dd-yy")
'Call the MailWithMac function to save the new file and create the
MailWithMac _
subject:="XXXXXXX", _
mailbody:=strbody, _
toaddress:=Range("A3"), _
ccaddress:="", _
bccaddress:="", _
displaymail:=True, _
accounttype:="", _
accountname:="", _
attachment:=TempFileName, _
With Application
.ScreenUpdating = True
.EnableEvents = True
End With
'Turn on Automatic Calculation
Application.Calculation = xlCalculationAutomatic
'Turn Alert Messages On
Application.DisplayAlerts = True
End Sub
答案 0 :(得分:-1)
我发现解决方案是使用Applescript来达到预期的效果。这是整个脚本: ption明确
Sub MailWorkSheet()
'Only working in Excel 2016 for the Mac with Outlook 2016
Dim SourceWb As Workbook, DestWb As Workbook, sh As Worksheet
Dim strbody As String, TempFileName As String
Dim RunMyScript As String
'Exit the sub if it is Mac Excel 2011 or lower
If Val(Application.Version) < 15 Then Exit Sub
'Turn off Automatic Calculation
Application.Calculation = xlCalculationManual
'Turn off Alerts
Application.DisplayAlerts = False
'Check if the Script File is in the correct location
If CheckScript(ScriptFileName:="ExcelOutlook.scpt") = False Then
MsgBox "Sorry the ExcelOutlook.scpt file is not in the correct location, " & _
"Email File Manually."
Exit Sub
End If
With Application
'.ScreenUpdating = False
.EnableEvents = False
End With
'Set reference to the source workbook
Set SourceWb = ActiveWorkbook
'Create the body text in the strbody string
strbody = "<FONT size=""3"" face=""Calibri"">"
strbody = strbody & "Hello:" & "<br>" & "<br>" & _
"XXXXXXX" & "<br>" & _
" " & "<br>" & _
"XXXXXXX" & "<br>" & _
" " & "<br>" & _
strbody = strbody & "</FONT>"
'Copy the ActiveSheet to a new workbook
Set DestWb = ActiveWorkbook
'Delete the button on the one sheet workbook
On Error Resume Next
DestWb.Sheets(1).DrawingObjects.Visible = True
On Error GoTo 0
'Enter the name of the file just created
TempFileName = "XXXXXXX" & " " _
& Range("A2") & " " & Format(Now, "mmm-dd-yy")
'Call the MailWithMac function to save the new file and create the mail
MailWithMac _
subject:="XXXXXXX", _
mailbody:=strbody, _
toaddress:=Range("A3"), _
ccaddress:="", _
bccaddress:="", _
displaymail:=True, _
accounttype:="", _
accountname:="", _
attachment:=TempFileName, _
With Application
'.ScreenUpdating = True
.EnableEvents = True
End With
'Minimize Outlook
RunMyScript = AppleScriptTask("ExcelOutlook.scpt", "Mini", _
"/Library/Application Scripts/com.microsoft.Excel/ExcelOutlook.scpt")
'Turn on Automatic Calculation
Application.Calculation = xlCalculationAutomatic
'Turn Alert Messages On
Application.DisplayAlerts = True
End Sub
函数MailWithMac(subject As String,mailbody As String,_ toaddress As String,ccaddress As String,_ bccaddress As String,displaymail As Boolean,_ accounttype As String,accountname As String,_ attachment As String,FileFormat As Long)
'Function to create a mail with the activesheet
Dim FileExtStr As String, FileFormatNum As Long
Dim TempFilePath As String, fileattachment As String
Dim ScriptStr As String, RunMyScript As String
Select Case FileFormat
Case 52: FileExtStr = ".xlsx": FileFormatNum = 52
Case 53:
If ActiveWorkbook.HasVBProject Then
FileExtStr = ".xlsm": FileFormatNum = 53
FileExtStr = ".xlsx": FileFormatNum = 52
End If
Case 57: FileExtStr = ".xls": FileFormatNum = 57
Case Else: FileExtStr = ".xlsb": FileFormatNum = 51
End Select
'Save the new temporary workbook and close it
TempFilePath = _
MacScript("return POSIX path of (path to home folder) as string")
With ActiveWorkbook
.SaveAs TempFilePath & attachment & FileExtStr, FileFormat:=FileFormatNum
.Close SaveChanges:=False
End With
'Build the AppleScriptTask parameter string
fileattachment = TempFilePath & attachment & FileExtStr
ScriptStr = subject & ";" & mailbody & ";" & toaddress & ";" & ccaddress & ";" & _
bccaddress & ";" & displaymail & ";" & accounttype & ";" & _
accountname & ";" & fileattachment
'Call the ExcelOutlook Script with the AppleScriptTask Function
RunMyScript = AppleScriptTask("ExcelOutlook.scpt", "CreateMailinOutlook", CStr(ScriptStr))
'Delete the file we just mailed
KillFile fileattachment
函数CheckScript(ScriptFileName As String)As Boolean
'Function to Check if the AppleScriptTask script file exists
Dim AppleScriptTaskFolder As String
Dim TestStr As String
AppleScriptTaskFolder = MacScript("return POSIX path of (path to desktop folder) as string")
AppleScriptTaskFolder = Replace(AppleScriptTaskFolder, "/Desktop", "") & _
"Library/Application Scripts/com.microsoft.Excel/"
On Error Resume Next
TestStr = Dir(AppleScriptTaskFolder & ScriptFileName, vbDirectory)
On Error GoTo 0
If TestStr = vbNullString Then
CheckScript = False
CheckScript = True
End If
功能KillFile(Filestr As String)
'Function to Kill File
Dim ScriptToKillFile As String
Dim Fstr As String
'Delete files from a Mac using Applescript to avoid probelsm with long file names
If Val(Application.Version) < 15 Then
ScriptToKillFile = "tell applicatoin " & Chr(34) & _
"Finder" & Chr(34) & Chr(13)
ScriptToKillFile = ScriptToKillFile & _
"do shell script ""rm"" & quoted form of posix path of " & _
Chr(34) & Filestr & Chr(34) & Chr(13)
ScriptToKillFile = ScriptToKillFile & "end tell"
On Error Resume Next
MacScript (ScriptToKillFile)
On Error GoTo 0
Fstr = MacScript("return POSIX path of (" & _
Chr(34) & Filestr & Chr(34) & ")")
On Error Resume Next
Kill Fstr
End If
在CreateMailInOutlook(paramString)上 将{fieldValue1,fieldValue2,fieldValue3,fieldValue4,fieldValue5,fieldValue6,fieldValue7,fieldValue8,fieldValue9}设置为SplitString(paramString,&#34;;&#34;) 告诉应用程序&#34; Microsoft Outlook&#34; if fieldValue7 =&#34; pop&#34;然后 将theAccount设置为名称为fieldValue8的第一个pop帐户 将NewMail设置为(使用属性{subject:fieldValue1,content:fieldValue2,account:theAccount}制作新的外发邮件) 否则,如果fieldValue7 =&#34; imap&#34;然后 将theAccount设置为名为fieldValue8的第一个imap帐户 将NewMail设置为(使用属性{subject:fieldValue1,content:fieldValue2,account:theAccount}制作新的外发邮件) 其他 将NewMail设置为(使用属性{subject:fieldValue1,content:fieldValue2}制作新的外发邮件) 万一 告诉NewMail 在我的SplitString中重复使用toRecipient(fieldValue3,&#34;,&#34;) 在收件人末尾向收件人添加新邮件,其中包含属性{电子邮件地址:{地址:内容为toRecipient}} 结束重复 在我的SplitString中重复使用toRecipient(fieldValue4,&#34;,&#34;) 在具有属性{电子邮件地址:{地址:toRecipient}的内容}的cc收件人结尾处为收件人设置新内容 结束重复 在我的SplitString中重复使用toRecipient(fieldValue5,&#34;,&#34;) 使用属性{电子邮件地址:{地址:toRecipient}的内容}在密送收件人结尾处为收件人设置新内容 结束重复 使用属性{file:POSIX file fieldValue9 as alias}
创建新附件 if fieldValue6 as boolean = true then
open NewMail
activate NewMail
send NewMail
end if
end tell
end tell
on SplitString(TheBigString,fieldSeparator) 告诉AppleScript 将oldTID设置为文本项分隔符 将文本项分隔符设置为fieldSeparator 将theItems设置为TheBigString的文本项 将文本项分隔符设置为oldTID 结束告诉 返回项目 结束SplitString
on Mini() 告诉应用程序&#34; Microsoft Outlook&#34; 告诉(其id不是的窗口(获取前窗的id)并且可见是真的) 设置小型化为真 结束告诉 结束告诉 结束迷你