如果存在两个目录 - 什么也不做

时间:2011-01-03 15:59:32

标签: batch-file

我正在使用IF EXIST批处理文件命令,但遇到了一个场景。 我想做的是

IF EXIST C:\ Windows \ system32调用batchfile2

IF EXIST C:\ WINNT \ system32调用batchfile3


除了上述内容之外,我相信我也可以在同一个批处理中调用子程序,但是如果它检测到“Windows \ system32”和“Windows32”,我怎样才能创建一个子程序来结束脚本 “WINNT \ SYSTEM32”?

如果EXISTS C:\ Windows \ system32转到sub1,则转到sub2




3 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:5)


@echo off
IF EXIST C:\Windows\system32 goto windowsfound
IF EXIST C:\WINNT\system32 goto winntfound
goto end

IF EXIST C:\WINNT\system32 goto bothexist
echo Windows folder found, do something.
call batchfile2
goto afterwindows

echo WINNT folder found, do something.
call batchfile3
goto afterwinnt

echo Both folders already exist.
goto end

echo Exiting.


@echo off
IF EXIST C:\Windows\system32 IF EXIST C:\WINNT\system32 goto bothfound

IF EXIST C:\Windows\system32 goto windowsfound
IF EXIST C:\WINNT\system32 goto winntfound

echo Windows folder found, do something.
call batchfile2
goto end

echo WINNT folder found, do something.
call batchfile3
goto end

echo Both folders already exist.
goto end

echo Exiting.

答案 1 :(得分:3)


if exist c:\windows\system32 if exist c:\winnt\system32 goto morestuff
if exist c:\windows\system32 call batchfile2
if exist c:\winnt\system32 call batchfile3

答案 2 :(得分:-1)

你可以删除“@ECHO OFF”... REM只是文件中的注释..而ECHO只是它输出的东西..(如果你删除它的回声它将显示所有它... )


REM Check to see if windows\system32 exists.. if so skip to the part 2 section
IF EXIST C:\WINDOWS\system32 goto parttwo

REM if windows\system32 didnt exist, it will check for the other dir...
IF EXIST C:\WINNT\system32 goto partthree

REM if we get to this point.. neither directory existed...  so skip to a message about that
goto neither

echo windows\system32 existed
REM because it was not checked earlier, check to see if the second directroy exists
IF EXIST C:\WINNT\system32 goto end

echo windows\system32 existed, but winnt\system32 does not...
echo do or call whatever for part 3....

goto end

echo winnt\system32 existed
echo do or call whatever for part three

goto end

echo Could not find windows or winnt \system32

echo goodbye

您可以随时点击MS获取更多信息: http://www.microsoft.com/resources/documentation/windows/xp/all/proddocs/en-us/batch.mspx?mfr=true