' =='列标题的运算符?

时间:2017-08-24 01:20:38

标签: r


canada <- c(10, 20, 90)
korea <- c(60, 30, 90)
iran <- c(20, 20, 40)
fruit <- rbind(canada, korea, iran)
colnames(fruit) <- c("apple", "banana", "orange")

price <- function(val){
  val <- tolower(val) # assuming all row names are in lower case
  myrow <- fruit[val,]
  nation <- tools::toTitleCase(val)

  name.min <- names(myrow)[which.min(c(myrow))]
  score.min <- c(myrow)[which.min(c(myrow))]
  cat(paste0("In ", nation, ", an ", name.min, " is ", score.min, " cents. ", "\n\n"))

  name.max <- names(myrow)[which.max(c(myrow))]
  score.max <- c(myrow)[which.max(c(myrow))]
  cat(paste0("In ", nation, ", an ", name.max, " is ", score.max, " cents. ", "\n\n"))


> price("canada")
In Canada, an apple is 10 cents. 

In Canada, an orange is 90 cents. 


if(name.min == myrow[1])
  cat("If name.min is 'apple', then it should print. But, it does not?",
      "Affordable apples come from", nation, ".")
if(name.min != myrow[1])
  cat("If name.max is not 'apple', then it should print. And, it does.")


canada <- c(10, 20, 90)
korea <- c(60, 30, 90)
iran <- c(20, 20, 40)
fruit <- rbind(canada, korea, iran)
colnames(fruit) <- c("apple", "banana", "orange")

price <- function(val){
  val <- tolower(val) # assuming all row names are in lower case
  myrow <- fruit[val,]
  nation <- tools::toTitleCase(val)

  name.min <- names(myrow)[which.min(c(myrow))]
  score.min <- c(myrow)[which.min(c(myrow))]
  cat(paste0("In ", nation, ", an ", name.min, " is ", score.min, " cents. ", "\n\n"))

  name.max <- names(myrow)[which.max(c(myrow))]
  score.max <- c(myrow)[which.max(c(myrow))]
  cat(paste0("In ", nation, ", an ", name.max, " is ", score.max, " cents. ", "\n\n"))

  if(name.min == myrow[1])
    cat("If name.min is 'apple', then it should print. But, it does not?",
        "Affordable apples come from", nation ".")
  if(name.min != myrow[1])
    cat("If name.max is not 'apple', then it should print. And, it does.")



> price("canada")
In Canada, an apple is 10 cents. 

In Canada, an orange is 90 cents. 

If name.max is not 'apple', then it should print. And, it does.

我的推测是第一个选项 if(name.min == myrow [1])不会打印,因为它正在将字母与数字进行比较。第二个选项 if(name.min!= myrow [1] 打印,因为字母不是数字。


2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)



price <- function(val){

  val <- tolower(val) # assuming all row names are in lower case
  myrow <- fruit[,val]

  nations <- names(myrow)[which(myrow==min(myrow))]

  #Icould have used which.min, but that will give me just one country in   case there
  #are more than one country which has affordable  val.
  art = ifelse( grepl("[aeiou]",substring(val,1,1)),"an","a")
       #This is the article to be placed before the fruit ie "an" or "a"

  nations <- tools::toTitleCase(nations)

  cat(paste0("In ",tools::toTitleCase(names(myrow))," ",
         art," ",val," is ",myrow, " cents.","\n\n"),sep = "")

  if(length(nations)>1) nations = paste(nations,collapse = " and ")
   cat( "Affordable",paste0(val,"s"),"come from", nations, ".")



 In Canada an apple is 10 cents.

 In Korea an apple is 60 cents.

 In Iran an apple is 20 cents.

 Affordable apples come from Canada.

 In Canada a banana is 20 cents.

 In Korea a banana is 30 cents.

 In Iran a banana is 20 cents.

 Affordable bananas come from Canada and Iran.

 In Canada an orange is 90 cents.

 In Korea an orange is 90 cents.

 In Iran an orange is 40 cents.

 Affordable oranges come from Iran.

答案 1 :(得分:0)


canada <- c(10, 20, 90)
korea <- c(60, 30, 90)
iran <- c(20, 20, 40)
fruit <- rbind(canada, korea, iran)
colnames(fruit) <- c("apple", "banana", "orange")

price <- function(val){
  val <- tolower(val) # assuming all row names are in lower case
  myrow <- fruit[val,]
  nation <- tools::toTitleCase(val)

  name.min <- names(myrow)[which.min(c(myrow))]
  score.min <- c(myrow)[which.min(c(myrow))]
  cat(paste0("In ", nation, ", an ", name.min, " is ", score.min, " cents. ", "\n\n"))

  name.max <- names(myrow)[which.max(c(myrow))]
  score.max <- c(myrow)[which.max(c(myrow))]
  cat(paste0("In ", nation, ", an ", name.max, " is ", score.max, " cents. ", "\n\n"))

  if(name.min == names(myrow[1]))
    cat("If name.min is 'apple', then it should print.",
        "Affordable apples come from", nation, ".", "\n\n")
  if(name.min != names(myrow)[which.min(c(myrow))])
    cat("If name.max is not 'apple', then it should print. And, it does.")



> price("canada")
In Canada, an apple is 10 cents. 

In Canada, an orange is 90 cents. 

If name.min is 'apple', then it should print. Affordable apples come from Canada .