
时间:2017-08-23 23:38:37

标签: qt qmake

我正在尝试获取boot2qt构建环境。它适用于iMX53 - 而不是在回答我的问题时它真的很重要......

因此,作为流程的一部分,我运行名为" build_qt.sh"的脚本。这会调用带有大量参数的嵌套配置脚本。反过来,该脚本从源代码构建qmake,然后尝试使用新的qmake来构建qt的其余部分(从它看起来如何?)。



                -commercial -confirm-license -release \
                -device ${DEVICE} \
        -device-option CROSS_COMPILE=${WORKDIR}/tmp/sysroots/x86_64-linux/usr/bin/${COMPILER} \
                -sysroot ${WORKDIR}/toolchain/sysroots/${SYSROOT} \
                -no-xcb -separate-debug-info -silent -nomake examples -nomake tests -tslib -no-pch -v"


./configure ${CONFIGURE_ARGS}


"$outpath/bin/qmake" "$relpathMangled" -- "$@"



/home/osboxes/Qt/Boot2Qt-2.x/imx53qsb-eLinux/build-imx53qsb/bin/qmake /home/osboxes/Qt/Boot2Qt-2.x/imx53qsb-eLinux/build-imx53qsb/qt5-src -- -commercial -confirm-license -release -device linux-imx53qsb-hf-g++ -device-option CROSS_COMPILE=/home/osboxes/Qt/Boot2Qt-2.x/imx53qsb-eLinux/build-imx53qsb/tmp/sysroots/x86_64-linux/usr/bin/armv7ahf-vfp-neon-poky-linux-gnueabi/arm-poky-linux-gnueabi- -sysroot /home/osboxes/Qt/Boot2Qt-2.x/imx53qsb-eLinux/build-imx53qsb/toolchain/sysroots/armv7ahf-vfp-neon-poky-linux-gnueabi -no-xcb -separate-debug-info -silent -nomake examples -nomake tests -tslib -no-pch -v


ERROR: Unknown command line option '-commercial'.


Usage: ./bin/qmake [mode] [options] [files]

QMake has two modes, one mode for generating project files based on
some heuristics, and the other for generating makefiles. Normally you
shouldn't need to specify a mode, as makefile generation is the default
mode for qmake, but you may use this to test qmake on an existing project

  -project       Put qmake into project file generation mode
                 In this mode qmake interprets files as files to
                 be built,
                 defaults to *; *; *; *.ts; *.xlf; *.qrc
                 Note: The created .pro file probably will 
                 need to be edited. For example add the QT variable to 
                 specify what modules are required.
  -makefile      Put qmake into makefile generation mode (default)
                 In this mode qmake interprets files as project files to
                 be processed, if skipped qmake will try to find a project
                 file in your current working directory

Warnings Options:
  -Wnone         Turn off all warnings; specific ones may be re-enabled by
                 later -W options
  -Wall          Turn on all warnings
  -Wparser       Turn on parser warnings
  -Wlogic        Turn on logic warnings (on by default)
  -Wdeprecated   Turn on deprecation warnings (on by default)

   * You can place any variable assignment in options and it will be *
   * processed as if it was in [files]. These assignments will be    *
   * processed before [files] by default.                            *
  -o file        Write output to file
  -d             Increase debug level
  -t templ       Overrides TEMPLATE as templ
  -tp prefix     Overrides TEMPLATE so that prefix is prefixed into the value
  -help          This help
  -v             Version information
  -early         All subsequent variable assignments will be
                 parsed right before default_pre.prf
  -before        All subsequent variable assignments will be
                 parsed right before [files] (the default)
  -after         All subsequent variable assignments will be
                 parsed after [files]
  -late          All subsequent variable assignments will be
                 parsed right after default_post.prf
  -norecursive   Don't do a recursive search
  -recursive     Do a recursive search
  -set <prop> <value> Set persistent property
  -unset <prop>  Unset persistent property
  -query <prop>  Query persistent property. Show all if <prop> is empty.
  -qtconf file   Use file instead of looking for qt.conf
  -cache file    Use file as cache           [makefile mode only]
  -spec spec     Use spec as QMAKESPEC       [makefile mode only]
  -nocache       Don't use a cache file      [makefile mode only]
  -nodepend      Don't generate dependencies [makefile mode only]
  -nomoc         Don't generate moc targets  [makefile mode only]
  -nopwd         Don't look for files in pwd [project mode only]

请注意,父build_qt.sh脚本在此之后运行Make。此外,qmake&#34;默认模式&#34;是-makefile Put qmake into makefile generation mode (default)。所以,我非常肯定这个未能执行的命令应该是写一个makefile(实际上这是一个&#34; configure脚本&#34;在另一个内部)。



1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)


"$outpath/bin/qmake" "$relpathMangled" -- "$@"


"$outpath/bin/qmake" "$relpathMangled"
