
时间:2017-08-23 17:11:40

标签: javascript xmlhttprequest polymer

在这个入门套件中 -



在这个文件中 - 发送表格,我如何发布我的PHP脚本,发送电子邮件。通过聚合物,我不明白。求助。



    _submit(e) {
            if (this._validateForm()) {
              // To send the form data to the server:
              // 2) Remove the code below.
              // 3) Uncomment `this.$.checkoutForm.submit()`.
              this.$.checkoutForm.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent('iron-form-presubmit', {
                composed: true}));
              this._submitFormDebouncer = Polymer.Debouncer.debounce(this._submitFormDebouncer,
                Polymer.Async.timeOut.after(1000), () => {
                  this.$.checkoutForm.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent('iron-form-response', {
                    composed: true, detail: {
                      response: {
                        success: 1,
                        successMessage: 'Demo checkout process complete.'
              // this.$.checkoutForm.submit();

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)

function (t, justOne) {
    var parsed = this._parseRemove(t, justOne);
    var query = parsed.query;
    var justOne = parsed.justOne;
    var wc = parsed.wc;
    var collation = parsed.collation;

    var result = undefined;
    var startTime =
        (typeof(_verboseShell) === 'undefined' || !_verboseShell) ? 0 : new Date().getTime();

    if (this.getMongo().writeMode() != "legacy") {
        var bulk = this.initializeOrderedBulkOp();
        var removeOp = bulk.find(query);

        if (collation) {

        if (justOne) {
        } else {

        try {
            result = bulk.execute(wc).toSingleResult();
        } catch (ex) {
            if (ex instanceof BulkWriteError || ex instanceof WriteCommandError) {
                result = ex.toSingleResult();
            } else {
                // Other exceptions thrown
                throw Error(ex);
    } else {
        if (collation) {
            throw new Error("collation requires use of write commands");

        this.getMongo().remove(this._fullName, query, justOne);

        // enforce write concern, if required
        if (wc)
            result = this.runCommand("getLastError", wc instanceof WriteConcern ? wc.toJSON() : wc);

    this._printExtraInfo("Removed", startTime);
    return result;

您必须已注意到您提供的link中的上述代码行。 单击提交按钮后,将执行以下步骤:

  1. 检查调用函数<iron-form id="checkoutForm" on-iron-form-response="_didReceiveResponse" on-iron-form-presubmit="_willSendRequest"> <form method="post" action="data/sample_success_response.json" enctype="application/x-www-form-urlencoded"> 的验证。
  2. 发送_validateForm() iron-form-presubmitcheckoutForm将调用函数_willSendRequest。请参阅属性:on-iron-form-presubmit="_willSendRequest"
  3. 同样,它会发送iron-form-response来调用_didReceiveResponse
  4. 然后提交表单,最后取消注释行// this.$.checkoutForm.submit();
  5. 您可以将操作网址更改为您的php文件名。