
时间:2017-08-23 07:59:33

标签: xml python-2.7 elementtree

我有两个xmls。 XML1和XML2。我想用XML2的内容更新XMl1。


<vdu xmlns="test:file">


<vdu xmlns="test:file">


import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET

source = (r'C:\XML2.xml')
destination = (r'C:\XML1.xml')

source_tree = ET.parse(source)
source_root = source_tree.getroot()

dest_tree = ET.parse(destination)
dest_root = dest_tree.getroot()
xmltag = dest_root.tag

newroot = ET.Element(xmltag)

for source_elem in source_root.iter('e-list'):
    for ele_verbose in source_elem:
        for open_network in ele_verbose:

ET.ElementTree(newroot).write(destination, xml_declaration=True, encoding='UTF-8')   # It does write copied elements in new file and does not retain the other TAGS in XML file.


1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)

这是 不专业 使用lxml的方法(我没有多少经验):

from lxml import etree

source = (r'test_xml2.xml')
destination = (r'test_xml.xml')

root1 = etree.parse(destination).getroot()
root2 = etree.parse(source).getroot()
all_elements1 = root1.findall('.//*')
all_elements2 = root2.findall('.//*')

def complete_tag_check(e1,e2):
    while e1.tag == e2.tag:
        if e1.tag == root1.tag:
            return True
            e1 = e1.getparent()
            e2 = e2.getparent()
    return False

for el2 in all_elements2:
    remove_el = False
    if el2.text is not None and el2.text.strip()!='':
        for el1 in all_elements1:

##            # this will only compare element tags
##            if el1.tag == el2.tag:
##                el1.text = el2.text
##                remove_el = True
##                break

            # this will compare the tags in each step until
            # it get to root. Only elements with exactly
            # the same structure will qualify.
            if complete_tag_check(el1,el2):
                el1.text = el2.text
                remove_el = True

        # if you have multiple tags with same name in xmls,
        # the last one from xml2 will replace all in xml1.
        # to avoid this we remove each element with changed
        # text from all_elements1 list.
        if remove_el:

ET = etree.ElementTree(root1)
ET.write('test_xml3.xml', pretty_print=True)
# wrote to a different file so you could compare results