我正在尝试使用Google App Scripts访问Khan Academy服务器并计算掌握特定主题所需的技能数量。例如,我希望能够检索掌握代数1所需的技能数量。如何使用'topictree'来做到这一点?我已经成功访问了Khan Academy服务器,并且打印出topictree的内容没有问题 - 我只需要知道存储所需技能的信息。谢谢!
function listExercises() {
var service = getKhanAcademyService();
if (service.hasAccess()) {
var response = service.fetch('https://www.khanacademy.org/api/v1/topictree');
//----Here I would like to navigate to a specific topic (like Algebra 1)
in the topic tree and retrieve how many skills are required to master it-- //
} else {
var authorizationUrl = service.authorize();
Logger.log('Please visit the following URL and then re-run the script: ' + authorizationUrl);