
时间:2011-01-03 00:47:47

标签: ruby algorithm




4 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:4)

试试this paper。它有一个很好的,直观的算法,可以满足您的需求。




在模拟开始时,中心是随机分布的,以及中心的优势   字符串。我们随机选择移动一个中心;然后我们计算由所有人造成的结果力   给定中心的邻居,我们计算比例和方向的位移   从而产生了力量。


经过一定次数的迭代(取决于数量)   中心和初始随机性程度)系统变得稳定。



import numpy as np
from numpy.linalg import norm
import pylab as pl

# find the nearest neighbors (brute force)
def neighbors(x, X, n=10):
  dX = X - x
  d = dX[:,0]**2 + dX[:,1]**2
  idx = np.argsort(d)
  return X[idx[1:11]]

# repulsion force, normalized to 1 when d == rmin
def repulsion(neib, x, d, rmin):
  if d == 0:
    return np.array([1,-1])

  return 2*(x - neib)*rmin/(d*(d + rmin))

def attraction(neib, x, d, rmax):
  return rmax*(neib - x)/(d**2)

def uniform(n=25, rmin=0.1, rmax=0.15):
  # Generate randomly distributed points
  X = np.random.random_sample( (n, 2) )

  # Constants
  # step is how much each point is allowed to move
  #   set to a lower value when you have more points
  step = 1./50.

  # maxk is the maximum number of iterations
  #   if step is too low, then maxk will need to increase
  maxk = 100

  k = 0

  # Force applied to the points
  F = np.zeros(X.shape)

  # Repeat for maxk iterations or until all forces are zero
  maxf = 1.
  while maxf > 0 and k < maxk:
    maxf = 0
    for i in xrange(n):
      # Force calculation for the i-th point
      x = X[i]
      f = np.zeros(x.shape)

      # Interact with at most 10 neighbors
      Neib = neighbors(x, X, 10)

      # dmin is the distance to the nearest neighbor
      dmin = norm(Neib[0] - x)

      for neib in Neib:
        d = norm(neib - x)
        if d < rmin:
          # feel repulsion from points that are too near
          f += repulsion(neib, x, d, rmin)
        elif dmin > rmax:
          # feel attraction if there are no neighbors closer than rmax
          f += attraction(neib, x, d, rmax)

      # save all forces and the maximum force to normalize later
      F[i] = f
      if norm(f) <> 0:
        maxf = max(maxf, norm(f))

    # update all positions using the forces
    if maxf > 0:
      X += (F/maxf)*step

    k += 1

  if k == maxk:
    print "warning: iteration limit reached"

  return X

答案 1 :(得分:1)


另一种方法是采用满足约束的配置,并反复扰乱其中的一小部分,随机选择 - 例如移动单个点 - 移动到随机选择的附近配置。如果你经常这样做,你应该转移到几乎独立于起点的随机配置。在http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Metropolis%E2%80%93Hastings_algorithmhttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gibbs_sampling下可以证明这一点。

答案 2 :(得分:1)



答案 3 :(得分:0)

我做了一个妥协,最后使用Poisson Disk Sampling方法。
