这种混合Flexbox /网格布局SCSS mixin如何工作?

时间:2017-08-22 08:20:30

标签: html css3 sass flexbox grid-layout

我发现了一个用于弹性框架/网格布局的SCSS mixin HERE


@mixin grid-col(
        $col: null,
        $grid-columns: 12,
        $col-offset: null,
        $gutter: null,
        $condensed: false,
        $align-self: null,
        $flex-grow: 0,
        $flex-basis: auto,
        $order: null,
        $grid-type: skeleton,
        $last-child: false

    @if type-of($col) == number and unitless($col) == true {
        $flex-grow: 0;
        $flex-shrink: 0;
        $flex-basis: percentage($col / $grid-columns);

        @if $grid-type == skeleton {
            @if $gutter and unit($gutter) == '%' {
                $flex-basis: $flex-basis - $gutter;
            } @else if $gutter and unitless($gutter) == false {
                $flex-basis: calc(#{$flex-basis} - #{$gutter});
        } @else if $grid-type == margin-offset {
            @if $gutter and unit($gutter) == '%' {
                $flex-basis: (100% - ($gutter * ($grid-columns / $col - 1))) / ($grid-columns / $col);
            } @else if $gutter and unitless($gutter) == false {
                $flex-basis: calc( #{$flex-basis} - #{$gutter * ($grid-columns / $col - 1) / ($grid-columns / $col)} );

        @if $col-offset and unit($col-offset) == '%' {
            $flex-basis: $flex-basis + $col-offset;
        } @else if $col-offset and unitless($col-offset) == false {
            $flex-basis: calc( #{$flex-basis} + #{$col-offset} );
    } @else if type-of($col) == number and unitless($col) == false {
        $flex-grow: 0;
        $flex-shrink: 0;
        $flex-basis: $col;
    } @else if type-of($col) == string and $col == 'auto' {
        $flex-grow: 1;
        $flex-shrink: 1;
        $flex-basis: auto;
        max-width: 100%;
        width: auto;
    } @else if type-of($col) == string and $col == 'equal' {
        // flex: 1
        $flex-grow: 1;
        $flex-shrink: 1;
        $flex-basis: 0;
    } @else if type-of($col) == string and $col == 'none' {
        // flex: none
        $flex-grow: 0;
        $flex-shrink: 0;
        $flex-basis: auto;
    } @else if type-of($col) == string and $col == 'initial' {
        // flex: initial
        $flex-grow: 0;
        $flex-shrink: 1;
        $flex-basis: auto;
    } @else if type-of($col) == string and $col == 'breakpoint' {
        $flex-grow: 0;
        $flex-shrink: 1;
        $flex-basis: auto;
        width: 100%;

    flex: $flex-grow $flex-shrink $flex-basis;

    @if $align-self {
        align-self: $align-self;

    @if type-of($order) == number {
        order: $order;

    @if $gutter and unitless($gutter) == false {
        @if $grid-type == skeleton {
            @if $condensed == true {
                @include grid-gutter($margin: 0 $gutter / 2);
            } @else {
                @include grid-gutter($margin: 0 $gutter / 2 $gutter);
        } @else if $grid-type == margin-offset {
            @if type-of($col) == string and $col == 'breakpoint' {
                @include grid-gutter($margin-right: 0);
            } @else if $last-child {
                @include grid-gutter($margin-right: 0);
            } @else {
                @include grid-gutter($margin-right: $gutter);

            @if $condensed == false {
                @include grid-gutter($margin-bottom: $gutter);


我不明白这个mixin中的所有参数是做什么的,例如$condensed: false,。我曾经使用过flexbox和Scss,但我发现这个混音有点超出我的想法。


@else if $grid-type == margin-offset {
    @if $gutter and unit($gutter) == '%' {
        $flex-basis: (100% - ($gutter * ($grid-columns / $col - 1))) / ($grid-columns / $col);
    } @else if $gutter and unitless($gutter) == false {
        $flex-basis: calc( #{$flex-basis} - #{$gutter * ($grid-columns / $col - 1) / ($grid-columns / $col)} );


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// ============================================= ======================
  // Flexbox Grid Mixins
  //描述:Sass Mixins生成Flexbox网格
  // GitHub:https://github.com/thingsym/flexbox-grid-mixins
  // MIT许可证
  // ================================================ ===================



例如,.grid > .grid__col-5 { margin: 0 1% 2% }为 排水沟由左侧栏的右边缘和右侧栏的左边缘组成。

margin-offset:每个列/块都有一个右边距,没有左边距。最后一个孩子没有合适的保证金 示例:.grid-margin-offset > .grid__col-5 { margin-right: 2% }(和margin-bottom:2%并覆盖:last-child)

Flex-basis是不同的,因为首先,容器有不同的宽度( skeleton 之外的浅蓝色)......这就是mixin的原因

grid by thingsym - examples showing skeleton vs margin-offset parameter