
时间:2017-08-22 06:01:10

标签: parse-platform cloud-code



imageFile (File)   |    thumbnail (File)  | Post (a pointer to Post)




1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)



Private Sub UserForm_Initialize()
'Empty AssignToBox
AssignTo.Value = ""

'Empty Zones

 With Zones
.AddItem "North"
.AddItem "South"
.AddItem "Central"
.AddItem "West"
.AddItem "East"
.AddItem "CPC"
End With

'Empty Department
 Department.Value = ""

'Empty Designation

'Designation Database
 With Designation
.AddItem "Assistant"
.AddItem "Senior Assistant"
.AddItem "Executive"
.AddItem "Senior Executive"
.AddItem "Assistant Manager"
.AddItem "Associate Manager"
.AddItem "Manager"
.AddItem "Senior Manager"
.AddItem "Chief Manager"
.AddItem "Assistant Vice President"
.AddItem "Associate Vice President"
.AddItem "Vice President"
.AddItem "Senior Vice President"
.AddItem "Executive Vice President"
 End With

  'Empty Grade

   'Grade Database
 With Grade
.AddItem "7B"
.AddItem "7A"
.AddItem "6B"
.AddItem "6A"
.AddItem "5B"
.AddItem "5A"
.AddItem "4B"
.AddItem "4A"
.AddItem "3B"
.AddItem "3A"
.AddItem "2B"
.AddItem "2A"
.AddItem "1B"
.AddItem "1A"
 End With

'Empty Location
 Location.Value = ""

 'Empty ProfileShortlisted
  ProfileShortlisted.Value = ""

  'Empty ProfileLinedUp
  ProfileLinedUp.Value = ""

  'Empty ShortlistedForInterview
   ShortListedforInterview.Value = ""

  'Empty Status

  With Status
.AddItem "Open"
.AddItem "Close"
.AddItem "WIP"
.AddItem "Joined"
 End With

 'Empty Remark
   Remark.Value = ""

  End Sub

  Private Sub ok_Click()

   Dim emptyRow As Long

     'Checklist active

  'Determine emptyRow
   emptyRow = WorksheetFunction.CountA(Range("A:A")) + 1

   'Transfer information
    Cells(emptyRow, 1).Value = AssignTo.Value
    Cells(emptyRow, 2).Value = Zones.Value
    Cells(emptyRow, 3).Value = Department.Value
    Cells(emptyRow, 4).Value = Desigantion.Value
    Cells(emptyRow, 5).Value = Grade.Value
    Cells(emptyRow, 6).Value = RequestDate.Value
    Cells(emptyRow, 7).Value = Location.Value
    Cells(emptyRow, 8).Value = ProfileShortlisted.Value 
    Cells(emptyRow, 9).Value = ProfileLinedUp.Value
    Cells(emptyRow, 10).Value = ShortListedforInterview.Value
    Cells(emptyRow, 11).Value = OfferedDate.Value
    Cells(emptyRow, 12).Value = DateOfJoining.Value
    Cells(emptyRow, 13).Value = Status.Value
    Cells(emptyRow, 14).Value = Remarks.Value

   End Sub
      'Empty Remarks
       Remarks.Value = ""

   End Sub
   End Sub


var resizeImageKey = require('cloud/resize-image-key.js'),
    Image = require("parse-image");

Parse.Cloud.afterSave("TableName", function(request) {
    return resizeImageKey({
        object: request.object, // ParseObject in which the thumbnail will be saved
        url: objectImage.url(), // Full size image URL
        toKey: "thumbnail", // thumbnail's attribute key
        width: THUMBNAIL_SIZE, // width
        crop: false // resize or crop ?

resize-image-key.js(vanilla JS)

const Image = require("parse-image");

  Original: https://github.com/ParsePlatform/Anyimg/blob/master/parse/cloud/resize-image-key.js
  Resizes an image from one Parse Object key containing
  a Parse File to a file object at a new key with a target width.
  If the image is smaller than the target width, then it is simply
  copied unaltered.

  object: Parse Object
  url: URL of the Parse File
  toKey: Key to contain the target Parse File
  width: Target width
  crop: Center crop the square
module.exports = function(options) {
    let format, originalHeight, originalWidth, newHeight, newWidth;

    // First get the image data
    const response = await Parse.Cloud.httpRequest({
        //url: options.object.get(options.fromKey).url()
        url: options.url

    let image = new Image();
    await image.setData(response.buffer);

    // set some metadata that will be on the object
    format = image.format();
    originalHeight = image.height();
    originalWidth = image.width();
    if (image.width() <= options.width) {
        // No need to resize
        // Remove from code
    } else {
        var newWidth = options.width;
        var newHeight = options.width * image.height() / image.width();

        // If we're cropping to a square, then we need to adjust height and
        // width so that the greater length of the two fits the square
        if (options.crop && (newWidth > newHeight)) {
            var newHeight = options.width;
            var newWidth = newHeight * image.width() / image.height();

        // resize down to normal width size
        image = await image.scale({
            width: newWidth,
            height: newHeight

    // crop ?
    if (options.crop) {
        let left = 0;
        let top = 0;

        // Center crop
        if (image.width() > image.height()) {
            left = (image.width() - image.height()) / 2;
        } else {
            top = (image.height() - image.width()) / 2;

        image = await image.crop({
            left: left,
            top: top,
            width: options.width,
            height: options.width

    newHeight = image.height();
    newWidth = image.width();
    // Get the image data in a Buffer.
    const buffer = await image.data();

    // Save the image into a new file.
    const base64 = buffer.toString("base64");
    //var scaled = new Parse.File("thumbnail_" + options.object.get("name") + "." + format, {
    const scaled = new Parse.File("thumbnail." + format, {
        base64: base64
    const savedImage = await scaled.save();

    // Set metadata on the image object
    options.object.set(options.toKey, savedImage);
    //return options.object.save();
    options.object.set("thumbnail_width", newWidth);
    options.object.set("thumbnail_height", newHeight);
