print 'Welcome to General Quiz, a quiz where you are asked to select from three difficulty levels, with each level containing 5 fill in the blank questions'
print ''
print 'Rules:'
print '- These questions will be general knowledge based'
print '- Your score, which will be shown in the end, will be based on how many correct answers you get compared to the number of guesses you take'
print '- It will not matter if you type anything lower or upper case'
print '- Some answers will require multiple words, so make sure you include spaces'
print '- For numbered answers, sumbit answers in numbers, not words'
print'' # These past few lines simply print out the rules for the user when they play this game
levelselect = 'no'# This variable will only set a condition for the following while loop
while levelselect == 'no':
print ''
level = raw_input ('Please select a difficulty (easy, medium, or hard): ').lower()# Prompts the user to select a difficulty and makes all letters lower case so it won't matter what case the user types in their input
if level == 'easy' or level == 'medium' or level == 'hard':
break # If the user's input is one of these three words, the program will break out of this loop, regardless of the value of the variable 'levelselect'
guesses = 0 # Used to record the number of guesses from the user to be displayed at the end of the game
score = 0 # Used to record the number of correct guesses the user gets correct later on in the game
easy_questions = ['The chemical symbol (O) means _____',
'_____ is the best hockey player of all time',
'_____ is the year Canada became an independant country',
'The song "Sorry" was sung by _____',
'Steve Jobs is one the founders of _____ ']
medium_questions = ['_____ is Canadas very first capital',
'The national team of _____ won the 2014 world cup',
'In a computer, RAM stands for _____',
'Your kidneys and your _____ are the organs that filter blood in your body',
'In Breaking Bad, the wife of Walter is _____ White']
hard_questions = ['In NASAs apollo program, _____ of their missions successfully landed men on the moom',
'_____ was the year the NFL was founded',
'The first film to gross over one $1 billion is _____',
'_____ is the business with the worlds largest revenue',
'Lego was invented in the country of _____'] # This array contains all the answers with the blanks that are to be filled in
easy_answers = ['oxygen', 'wayne gretzky', '1867', 'justin bieber',
medium_answers = ['kingston', 'germany', 'random access memory',
'liver', 'skyler']
hard_answers = ['6', '1920', 'titanic', 'walmart', 'denmark'] # This array contains all the answers, with corresponding indexes to the previous array
if level == 'easy':
questions = easy_questions
answers = easy_answers
elif level == 'medium':
questions = medium_questions
answers = medium_answers
elif level == 'hard':
questions = hard_questions
answers = hard_answers
totalQuestions = 5 # The questions array contains 15 questions, with the first 5 being easy, the next 5 being medium etc. and this helps to identify the finishing point of the asking of questions
questionNum = 0
def check_answer(user_answer, system_question, system_answer):
if user_answer == system_answer:
return ''
return ('Correct!')
return system_question.replace ('_____', system_answer) # Shows question with the blank filled with the correct answer
score += 1 # Increases user's score by 1
guesses += 1 # Increases user's guesses by 1
questionNum += 1 # Makes the code in this while loop move onto the next question in the questions array and the next answer in the answers array
return ''
return ('Incorrect, Try Again')
guesses += 1
while questionNum < totalQuestions:
Question = questions[questionNum]
Answer = answers[questionNum]
print ''
answer = raw_input (Question + ': ').lower() # Prompts the user to answer the fill in the blank question
print check_answer(answer, Question, Answer)
print ''
print ('Congratulations, you have completed the ' + str(level) + ' level, with a score of ' +
str(score) + ' out of ' + str(guesses) + ' guesses')
答案 0 :(得分:0)
print '''Welcome to General Quiz, a quiz where you are asked to select from three difficulty levels, with each level
containing 5 fill in the blank questions'
\n- These questions will be general knowledge based
\n- Your score, which will be shown in the end, will be based on how many correct
answers you get compared to the number of guesses you take
\n- It will not matter if you type anything lower or upper case print
\n- Some answers will require multiple words, so make sure you include spaces
\n- For numbered answers, sumbit answers in numbers, not words'''
while level not in ['easy', 'medium', 'hard']:
level = raw_input ('Please select a difficulty (easy, medium, or hard): ').lower()
guesses, score = 0, 0
questions = ['The chemical symbol (O) means _____',
'_____ is the best hockey player of all time',
'_____ is the year Canada became an independant country',
'The song "Sorry" was sung by _____',
'Steve Jobs is one the founders of _____ ',
'_____ is Canadas very first capital',
'The national team of _____ won the 2014 world cup',
'In a computer, RAM stands for _____',
'Your kidneys and your _____ are the organs that filter blood in your body',
'In Breaking Bad, the wife of Walter is _____ White',
'In NASAs apollo program, _____ of their missions successfully landed men on the moom',
'_____ was the year the NFL was founded',
'The first film to gross over one $1 billion is _____',
'_____ is the business with the worlds largest revenue',
'Lego was invented in the country of _____']
answers = ['oxygen', 'wayne gretzky', '1867', 'justin bieber', 'apple', 'kingston', 'germany', 'random access memory',
'liver', 'skyler', '6', '1920', 'titanic', 'walmart', 'denmark']
dict = {'easy':0, 'medium':5, 'hard':10}
for i in xrange(dict[level], dict[level]+5):
answer = raw_input(questions[i] + ': ').lower()
while(answer != answers[i]):
print('Incorrect, Try Again')
guesses = guesses+1
answer = raw_input(questions[i] + ': ').lower()
print('Correct \n'+ questions[i].replace('_____',answer))
score, guesses = score + 1, guesses+1
print ('Congratulations, you have completed the ' + str(level) + ' level, with a score of ' +
str(score) + ' out of ' + str(guesses) + ' guesses')