
时间:2017-08-21 14:43:41

标签: python xml-parsing elementtree


        <G2>some text</G2>
        <G3>some text</G3>
        <G2>some text</G2>
        <G3>some text</G3>
        <G2>some text</G2>
        <G3>some text</G3>


{ 1: {G1: 1,
      G2: some text,
      G3: some text,
      GP: { 1: {GP1: 1,
                GP2: a,
                GP3: a},
            2: {GP1: 2,
                GP2: b,
                GP3: b},
            3: {GP1: 3,
                GP2: c,
                GP3: c}}
  2: {G1: 2,
      G2: some text,
      G3: some text,
      GP: { 1: {GP1: 1,
                GP2: aa,
                GP3: aa},
            2: {GP1: 2,
                GP2: bb,
                GP3: bb},
            3: {GP1: 3,
                GP2: cc,
                GP3: cc}}
  3: {G1: 3,
      G2: some text,
      G3: some text,
               GP: { 1: {GP1: 1,
                GP2: a,
                GP3: a},
            2: {GP1: 2,
                GP2: bbb,
                GP3: bbb},
            3: {GP1: 3,
                GP2: ccc,
                GP3: ccc}}


    f = 'path to file'
    tree = ET.parse(f)
    root = tree.getroot()
    self.tree = tree
    self.root = root
    gs = len(self.tree.getiterator('G'))
    g = {}
    for i in range(0, gs):
        d = {}
        for elem in self.tree.getiterator('G')[i]:
            if elem.text == "\n      " and elem.tag not in ['GP']:
                    dd = {}
                    for parent in elem:
                        if parent.text == "\n        ":
                            ddd = {}
                            for child in parent:
                                ddd[child.tag] = child.text
                            dd[parent.tag] = ddd
                            dd[parent.tag] = parent.text
                    d[elem.tag] = dd
                d[elem.tag] = elem.text
        g[i+1] = d

    # Build GP
    count = 0
    gp = {}
    for elem in self.tree.getiterator('GP'):
        d = {}
        for parent in elem:
            if parent.text == "\n      ":
                dd = {}
                for child in parent:
                    dd[child.tag] = child.text
                d[parent.tag] = dd
                d[parent.tag] = parent.text
        count += 1
        gp[count] = d
    g["GP"] = gp

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:3)

#!/usr/bin/env python3

import sys
import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
from pprint import pprint as pp

FILE_NAME = "data.xml"

def convert_node(node, depth_level=0):
    #print("  " * depth_level + node.tag)
    child_nodes = list(node)
    if not child_nodes:
        return (node.text or "").strip()
    ret_dict = dict()
    child_node_tags = [item.tag for item in child_nodes]
    child_index = 0
    for child_node in child_nodes:
        tag = child_node.tag
        if child_node_tags.count(tag) > 1:
            sub_obj_dict = ret_dict.get(tag, dict())
            child_index += 1
            sub_obj_dict[str(child_index)] = convert_node(child_node, depth_level=depth_level + 1)
            ret_dict[tag] = sub_obj_dict
            ret_dict[tag] = convert_node(child_node, depth_level=depth_level + 1)
    return ret_dict

def main():
    tree = ET.parse(FILE_NAME)
    root_node = tree.getroot()
    converted_xml = convert_node(root_node)
    print("\nResulting dict(s):\n")
    for key in converted_xml: # converted_xml should be a dictionary having only one key (in our case "G" - we only care about its value, to match the required output)

if __name__ == "__main__":
    print("Python {:s} on {:s}\n".format(sys.version, sys.platform))


  • FILE_NAME 包含包含输入 xml 的文件名。随意改变它,以匹配你的
  • 转换发生在 convert_node 中。它是一个递归函数,它调用每个 xml 节点并返回 Python 字典(或字符串)。算法:
    • 对于每个节点,获取其(直接)子节点的列表。如果节点没有任何(它的节点 - 如 G# GP#节点),它将返回其文字
    • 如果节点有多个具有特定标记的子节点,则其内容将添加到表示其索引的键下(如 G GP 节点),在与子标签密钥对应的当前字典的子字典中
    • 所有具有唯一标记的子项都会将其内容放在与当前词典正下方的标记相等的键下
    • depth_level 未使用(您可以将其删除),我用它以树形式打印 xml 节点标签;它是 xml 树中的深度( root - 0, G - 1, G# GP - 2, GP# - 3,...)
  • 代码旨在:
    • 一般:注意没有硬编码的密钥名称
    • 可扩展:如果在某些时候 xml 将变得非常复杂(例如,在 GP 节点下将会有 GP D 节点可以说,该节点也有子节点 - 基本上 xml 将获得一个更深层次),代码将处理无变化
    • Python 3 Python 2 兼容


(py_064_03.05.04_test0) e:\Work\Dev\StackOverflow\q045799991>"e:\Work\Dev\VEnvs\py_064_03.05.04_test0\Scripts\python.exe"
Python 3.5.4 (v3.5.4:3f56838, Aug  8 2017, 02:17:05) [MSC v.1900 64 bit (AMD64)] on win32

Resulting dict(s):

{'1': {'G1': '1',
       'G2': 'some text',
       'G3': 'some text',
       'GP': {'1': {'GP1': '1', 'GP2': 'a', 'GP3': 'a'},
              '2': {'GP1': '2', 'GP2': 'b', 'GP3': 'b'},
              '3': {'GP1': '3', 'GP2': 'c', 'GP3': 'c'}}},
 '2': {'G1': '2',
       'G2': 'some text',
       'G3': 'some text',
       'GP': {'1': {'GP1': '1', 'GP2': 'aa', 'GP3': 'aa'},
              '2': {'GP1': '2', 'GP2': 'bb', 'GP3': 'bb'},
              '3': {'GP1': '3', 'GP2': 'cc', 'GP3': 'cc'}}},
 '3': {'G1': '3',
       'G2': 'some text',
       'G3': 'some text',
       'GP': {'1': {'GP1': '1', 'GP2': 'aaa', 'GP3': 'aaa'},
              '2': {'GP1': '2', 'GP2': 'bbb', 'GP3': 'bbb'},
              '3': {'GP1': '3', 'GP2': 'ccc', 'GP3': 'ccc'}}}}