
时间:2017-08-21 04:58:04

标签: python recursion

我发布了这个问题: Non overlapping pattern matching with gap constraint in python;两个月前。我只收到一个回复​​。但是解决方案很长,并且对于模式中的每个单词,形成一个嵌套循环。有没有办法递归形成以下函数?

while i < len(pt_dic[pt_split[0]]):
    ii = pt_dic[pt_split[0]][i]
    #print "ii=" + str(ii)

    # Start loop at next index after ii
    j = next(x[0] for x in enumerate(pt_dic[pt_split[1]]) if x[1] > ii)
    while j < len(pt_dic[pt_split[1]]) and not match:
        jj = pt_dic[pt_split[1]][j]
        #print "jj=" + str(jj)
        if jj > ii and jj <= ii + 2:

            # Start loop at next index after ii
            k = next(x[0] for x in enumerate(pt_dic[pt_split[2]]) if x[1] > jj)
            while k < len(pt_dic[pt_split[2]]) and not match:
                kk = pt_dic[pt_split[2]][k]
                #print "kk=" + str(kk)
                if kk > jj and kk <= jj + 2:

                    # Start loop at next index after kk
                    l = next(x[0] for x in enumerate(pt_dic[pt_split[3]]) if x[1] > kk)
                    while l < len(pt_dic[pt_split[2]]) and not match:
                        ll = pt_dic[pt_split[3]][l]
                        #print "ll=" + str(ll)
                        if ll > kk and ll <= kk + 2:
                            print "Match: (" + str(ii) + "," + str(jj) + "," + str(kk) + "," + str(ll) + ")"
                            # Now that we've found a match, skip indices within that match.
                            i = next(x[0] for x in enumerate(pt_dic[pt_split[0]]) if x[1] > ll)
                            i -= 1
                        l += 1
            k += 1
        j += 1
    i += 1



EG。 A B C是使用某种算法找到的模式。我必须找到这个模式的总数#出现在A A B B C D E A B C …这样的序列中,其中最大间隙约束为2。

最大。在序列中没有看到间隙,但是在属于序列中子串的模式的两个单词之间可以看到间隙。例如。 Pat: A B Cseq: A B D E C B A B A B C D E

在这种情况下,A B D E C ...是匹配,因为A,B和B,C之间允许的最大两个间隙。接下来我们发现A B A B C为另一个匹配。有趣的是。有两个匹配,(2个字符b / w A,B和2个字符b / w B,C)。但是,我们只将其视为一个,因为它是重叠匹配。 A B X X X C无效。

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)

我只是简单地阅读了原始问题。我不确定我是否有差距计算部分。我认为你有L个排序的唯一索引序列,代码搜索所有带L个元素的列表,其中第N个元素来自第N个序列,其中两个相邻的项满足条件prev < next < prev + GAP + 1




list_of_seqs= [
    [0, 1, 7, 11, 22, 29],
    [2, 3, 8, 14, 25, 33],
    [4, 9, 15, 16, 27, 34],

def found_match(m):

GAP = 2 
def recloop(part, ls):
    if not ls: 
    seq, *ls = ls   # this is Python3 syntax
    last = part[-1] if part else None
    # this is not optimized:
    for i in seq:
        if last is None or last < i <= last + GAP + 1:
            recloop(part + [i], ls) 

recloop([], list_of_seqs)

对于Python2,用seq, ls = ls[0], ls[1:]
