Find the screen shot here about commands我试图在java中使用FTP从远程系统复制文件夹并收到此错误:
无法确定系统类型 - 响应:502命令未实现。
ionViewDidLoad(): void {
// Disable to give time for loading & scrolling
loadFirstTenChats().then(() => {
// Fiddle with the timing depending on what you are doing.
// If you have footers or other dynamic content to worry about.
setTimeout( () => this.content.resize(), 100);
// Scroll to the bottom once the size has been calculated:
setTimeout( () => this.content.scrollToBottom(100), 200);
// The scroll above has to be finished before enabling or
// else the IS might think it needs to load the next batch.
setTimeout( () => this.infiniteScroll.enable(true), 1000);