
时间:2017-08-18 09:07:56

标签: javascript jquery foreach


jquery.simplePagination.js:334 Uncaught TypeError: Cannot set property 'currentPage' of null
    at init._selectPage (jquery.simplePagination.js:334)
    at init.selectPage (jquery.simplePagination.js:66)
    at init.$.fn.pagination (jquery.simplePagination.js:389)
    at checkFragment (Blog:440)
    at HTMLDocument.<anonymous> (Blog:447)
    at c (jquery.min.js:4)
    at Object.fireWith [as resolveWith] (jquery.min.js:4)
    at Function.ready (jquery.min.js:4)
    at HTMLDocument.q (jquery.min.js:4)
<script src="~/Scripts/jquery.simplePagination.js"></script>
         // mind the slight change below, personal idea of best practices
         jQuery(function ($) {
             // consider adding an id to your table,
             // just incase a second table ever enters the picture..?
             var items = $("article");

             var numItems = items.length;
             var perPage = 2;

             // only show the first 2 (or "first per_page") items initially

             // now setup your pagination
             // you need that .pagination-page div before/after your table
             if (numItems > 2) {
                     items: numItems,
                     itemsOnPage: perPage,
                     cssStyle: "light-theme",
                     onPageClick: function (pageNumber) { // this is where the magic happens
                         // someone changed page, lets hide/show trs appropriately
                         var showFrom = perPage * (pageNumber - 1);
                         var showTo = showFrom + perPage;

                         items.hide() // first hide everything, then show for the new page
                             .slice(showFrom, showTo).show();

             // EDIT: extra stuff to cover url fragments (i.e. #page-3)
             // https://github.com/bilalakil/bin/tree/master/simplepagination/page-fragment
             // is more thoroughly commented (to explain the regular expression)

             // we'll create a function to check the url fragment and change page
             // we're storing this function in a variable so we can reuse it
             var checkFragment = function () {
                 // if there's no hash, make sure we go to page 1
                 var hash = window.location.hash || "#page-1";

                 // we'll use regex to check the hash string
                 hash = hash.match(/^#page-(\d+)$/);

                 if (hash)
                     // the selectPage function is described in the documentation
                     // we've captured the page number in a regex group: (\d+)
                     $("#pagination").pagination("selectPage", parseInt(hash[1]));

             // we'll call this function whenever the back/forward is pressed
             $(window).bind("popstate", checkFragment);

             // and we'll also call it to check right now!


使用: http://flaviusmatis.github.io/simplePagination.js/

如果有人对foreach pagnation功能有更好的解决方案,请告诉我。

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