
时间:2017-08-16 18:27:17

标签: internet-explorer autoit




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附加到搜索字符串子字符串匹配的Internet Explorer的指定实例(基于所选模式)

#include <IE.au3>
_IEAttach ( $sString [, $sMode = "title" [, $iInstance = 1]] )


$sString      String to search for (for "embedded" or "dialogbox", use Title sub-string or HWND of window) 
$sMode        [optional] specifies search mode
                 "title" = (Default) sub-string of main document title
                 "windowtitle" = sub-string of full window title (instead of document title)
                 "url" = sub-string or url of the current page
                 "text" = sub-string in text from the body of the current page
                 "html" = sub-string in html from the body of the current page
                 "hwnd" = hwnd of the browser window
                 "embedded" = title sub-string or hwnd of the window embedding the control
                 "dialogbox" = title sub-string or hwnd of modal/modeless dialogbox
                 "instance" = $sString is ignored, one browser reference returned (by matching instance number) from all available browser instances 
$iInstance    [optional] 1-based index into group of browsers or embedded browsers matching $sString and $sMode. See Remarks.


Success:   an object variable pointing to the InternetExplorer Object for all but Embedded and DislogBox modes which return a Window Object. 
Failure:   sets the @error flag to non-zero. 
@error:    5 ($_IEStatus_InvalidValue) - Invalid Value
           7 ($_IEStatus_NoMatch) - No Match 
@extended: Contains invalid parameter number