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"textOriginal": "Check out the DFW Playlist for more: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLIZqvqbtz9I0eQPOx46sU6p6xaz469vxk\nSee more on the Authors Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLIZqvqbtz9I30kDK7RrKXxtLK9WxA33-T",
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"textDisplay": "For being such an intelligent, well-educated guy, David Foster Wallace, seems ignorant of the fact that our society is governed at the top by Luciferians which have directed every avenue our country is going. And having attended elitist Harvard for a while, there is NO way DFW did NOT know that. Therefore, for me his ramblings sound insincere in addition to their not fully formed thoughts.",
"textOriginal": "For being such an intelligent, well-educated guy, David Foster Wallace, seems ignorant of the fact that our society is governed at the top by Luciferians which have directed every avenue our country is going. And having attended elitist Harvard for a while, there is NO way DFW did NOT know that. Therefore, for me his ramblings sound insincere in addition to their not fully formed thoughts.",
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"publishedAt": "2017-08-11T15:56:11.000Z",
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"textDisplay": "With the whole gratification of needs bit, isn't he basically describing commodity fetishism. Because we feel empty inside, we are perpetual consumerists who believe (subconsciously) that the products have a special value (pleasure producing, status procuring qualities, etc.) that will fill the hole inside. But the reality is that it never does, yet we persist in the activity and it becomes a vicious cycle.\u003cbr /\u003e\u003cbr /\u003eIn the absence of a more spiritually invigorating set of cultural values, we are all without an anchor and lost. As DFW points out, we all have a religious impulse but worshipping stuff is ultimately vapid and unfulfilling. It's just another drug that we use to escape from facing ourselves because we are afraid of what we'll see.",
"textOriginal": "With the whole gratification of needs bit, isn't he basically describing commodity fetishism. Because we feel empty inside, we are perpetual consumerists who believe (subconsciously) that the products have a special value (pleasure producing, status procuring qualities, etc.) that will fill the hole inside. But the reality is that it never does, yet we persist in the activity and it becomes a vicious cycle.\n\nIn the absence of a more spiritually invigorating set of cultural values, we are all without an anchor and lost. As DFW points out, we all have a religious impulse but worshipping stuff is ultimately vapid and unfulfilling. It's just another drug that we use to escape from facing ourselves because we are afraid of what we'll see.",
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"publishedAt": "2017-08-07T14:55:23.000Z",
"updatedAt": "2017-08-07T15:01:25.000Z"
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// Many more comments
答案 0 :(得分:0)
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