How to create a database for Advantage Database Server(ADS)?

时间:2017-08-14 07:08:21

标签: ads advantage-database-server

I have installed the ADS 10.0 version on my win7 successful, and it run as a windows service. Then I take a look at windows program menu and found there is a menu named "Advantage Database Server" and it only includes "Advantage Configuration Utility" sub-menu, I open it and have no found where can create database.

My question:

  1. How to connect my server above? Does need another tool?
  2. If I can connet the server, how to create database? Advantage Database Architect?
  3. If I created a database, how to connect to that with IP/Port in ODBC for a client?(I know how to connect a ADS database with the path in ODBC)

Any one can help me, thanks a lot!

1 个答案:

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Advantage Configuration Utility会告诉您该服务是否正在运行,您可以从那里(或从Windows服务管理器)启动和停止该服务。


  1. 包含一些表(.adt.dbf文件,其中包含索引,lob数据等可选附加文件)的目录。

  2. 优势数据库字典(以.add结尾的文件名,链接到附加文件,最终链接到表格文件,如1所示。)。


  4. 在某个套接字(ip:port)上运行ADS服务的服务器本身。

  5. Advantage Internet Server(AIS)。

  6. 最简单的情况是1.您只需将一些现有表放在目录中(或使用Advantage Data Architect创建新表" ARC32")。



    What is the proper connection string for Advantage Database Server?