
时间:2017-08-13 07:43:17

标签: ms-access






  1. TblGlazes(CBglaze的记录源)中有记录(釉料),这些记录不在查询源数据中(基于TblOxides的Union Query)。有些釉料中没有任何氧化物。因此在TblOxides中没有他们的记录。因此,如果我从组合框中选择其中一个釉面,则查询不会显示任何记录,因为您在预期的查询数据集中没有匹配。
  2. 例如,如果我选择TblGlazes但不是TblOxides的bg1_more_alumina,则生成的查询数据表视图为空。 但是,如果我选择bg1(在TblGlazes和TblOxides中),它会输入正确的信息。

    1. 当我查看其中一个"非查询"的记录集时釉料(如bg1_more_alumina),它不会显示为空,但它也不会显示为有记录。
    2. 我想要做的是将FrmGlazes2格式化为空白,如果在FrmGlazes中选择了釉面时没有记录显示。但由于记录集没有显示为空,我无法为该实例编写代码。因此,如果我使用当前事件中的以下代码,我就不会弹出任何消息框。它只是没有运行。但它确实针对其他实例运行,并向我显示所有相关信息


      Private Sub Form_Current()
          Dim dbs As Database
          Dim qdf As QueryDef
          Dim fld As Field
          Dim rst As Recordset
          Dim ColCount As Integer
          Dim RowCount As Integer
          Dim frm As Form
          Dim frm2 As Form
          Dim arr1() As Variant
          Dim arr2() As Variant
          Dim coltot As Single
          Dim I As Integer
          Dim J As Integer
          Dim ctlname As String
          Dim ctl As Control
          Set dbs = CurrentDb
          Set frm = Forms!FrmGlazes
          Set qdf = dbs.QueryDefs!XQryOxPara
          qdf.Parameters("Forms!FrmGlazes!Cbglaze") = frm![Cbglaze]          'Must go before set rst statement
          Set rst = qdf.OpenRecordset()
      '   Hiding records based on whether values exist in field
      '   ------------------------------------------------------
          If rst.EOF Then GoTo ErrNoRecords
          ReDim Preserve arr1(0 To 0)
          ReDim Preserve arr2(0 To 0)
          With rst
              Do Until .EOF
                  For Each fld In .Fields
                      If fld.Name <> "glaze" And fld.Name <> "Oxide" Then
                          J = fld.OrdinalPosition - 2
                          Debug.Print "val of J is: " & J & "Field Name: " & fld.Name
                          arr1(J) = arr1(J) + Nz(.Fields(fld.Name).Value)
                          arr2(J) = fld.Name
                          ReDim Preserve arr1(UBound(arr1) + 1)
                          ReDim Preserve arr2(UBound(arr2) + 1)
                          Debug.Print "arr1 value is: " & arr1(J)
                      End If
                  Next fld
          End With
          ReDim Preserve arr1(UBound(arr1) - 1)
          ReDim Preserve arr2(UBound(arr2) - 1)
          Debug.Print "ub arr1 & arr2 are: " & UBound(arr1) & vbTab & UBound(arr2)
          For I = 0 To J
              ctlname = "Ctl" & arr2(I)
              Me.Controls(ctlname).ColumnHidden = 1
              Debug.Print "Ctlname is: " & ctlname & "arr1 value is: " & arr1(I)
              If arr1(I) = 0 Then
                  Me.Controls(ctlname).ColumnHidden = -1
              ElseIf arr1(I) > 0 Then
                  Me.Controls(ctlname).ColumnHidden = 0
              End If
          Next I
          Set qdf = Nothing
          Set rst = Nothing
          Set fld = Nothing
          Set dbs = Nothing
          Exit Sub
          Set qdf = Nothing
          Set rst = Nothing
          Set fld = Nothing
          Set dbs = Nothing
      End Sub


      PARAMETERS [Forms]![FrmGlazes]![Cbglaze] Text ( 255 );
      TRANSFORM Max(QryOx.Oxvalue) AS MaxOfOxvalue
      SELECT QryOx.glaze, QryOx.Oxide
      FROM QryOx
      WHERE ((QryOx.glaze)=[Forms]![FrmGlazes]![Cbglaze]) OR (([Forms]![FrmGlazes]![Cbglaze]) Is Null) 
      GROUP BY QryOx.glaze, QryOx.Oxide
      ORDER BY QryOx.glaze DESC 
      PIVOT QryOx.subglaze In ("30","30_21","30_22","30_23","302");


      SELECT TblOxides.subglaze, "cobalt" As Oxide, cobalt As Oxvalue, TblOxides.glaze, TblOxides.gid
      From TblOxides
      Where cobalt Is Not Null And cobalt>0 
      Order By glaze
      UNION ALL SELECT TblOxides.subglaze, "copper" As Oxide, copper As Oxvalue, TblOxides.glaze, TblOxides.gid
      From TblOxides
      Where copper Is Not Null And copper>0
      Order By glaze
      UNION ALL SELECT TblOxides.subglaze, "cocarb" As Oxide, cocarb As Oxvalue, TblOxides.glaze, TblOxides.gid
      From TblOxides
      Where cocarb Is Not Null And cocarb>0
      Order By glaze
      UNION ALL SELECT TblOxides.subglaze, "cucarb" As Oxide, cucarb As Oxvalue, TblOxides.glaze, TblOxides.gid
      From TblOxides
      Where cucarb Is Not Null And cucarb>0
      Order By glaze
      UNION ALL SELECT TblOxides.subglaze, "grilmenite" As Oxide, grilmenite As Oxvalue, TblOxides.glaze, TblOxides.gid
      From TblOxides
      Where grilmenite Is Not Null And grilmenite>0
      Order By glaze
      UNION ALL SELECT TblOxides.subglaze, "ilmenite" As Oxide, ilmenite As Oxvalue, TblOxides.glaze, TblOxides.gid
      From TblOxides
      Where ilmenite Is Not Null And ilmenite>0
      Order By glaze
      UNION ALL SELECT TblOxides.subglaze, "mio" As Oxide, mio As Oxvalue, TblOxides.glaze, TblOxides.gid
      From TblOxides
      Where mio Is Not Null And mio>0
      Order By glaze
      UNION ALL SELECT TblOxides.subglaze, "mndiox" As Oxide, mndiox As Oxvalue, TblOxides.glaze, TblOxides.gid
      From TblOxides
      Where mndiox Is Not Null And mndiox>0
      Order By glaze
      UNION ALL SELECT TblOxides.subglaze, "nickel" As Oxide, nickel As Oxvalue, TblOxides.glaze, TblOxides.gid
      From TblOxides
      Where nickel Is Not Null And nickel>0
      Order By glaze
      UNION ALL SELECT TblOxides.subglaze, "rio" As Oxide, rio As Oxvalue, TblOxides.glaze, TblOxides.gid
      From TblOxides
      Where rio Is Not Null And rio>0
      Order By glaze
      UNION ALL SELECT TblOxides.subglaze, "rutile" As Oxide, rutile As Oxvalue, TblOxides.glaze, TblOxides.gid
      From TblOxides
      Where rutile Is Not Null And rutile>0
      Order By glaze
      UNION ALL SELECT TblOxides.subglaze, "titdiox" As Oxide, titdiox As Oxvalue, TblOxides.glaze, TblOxides.gid
      From TblOxides
      Where titdiox Is Not Null And titdiox>0
      Order By glaze
      UNION ALL SELECT TblOxides.subglaze, "tin" As Oxide, tin As Oxvalue, TblOxides.glaze, TblOxides.gid
      From TblOxides
      Where tin Is Not Null And tin>0
      Order By glaze
      UNION ALL SELECT TblOxides.subglaze, "yio" As Oxide, yio As Oxvalue, TblOxides.glaze, TblOxides.gid
      From TblOxides
      Where yio Is Not Null And yio>0
      Order By glaze
      UNION ALL SELECT TblOxides.subglaze, "yochre" As Oxide, yochre As Oxvalue, TblOxides.glaze, TblOxides.gid
      From TblOxides
      Where yochre Is Not Null And yochre>0
      Order By glaze
      UNION ALL SELECT TblOxides.subglaze, "zircon" As Oxide, zircon As Oxvalue, TblOxides.glaze, TblOxides.gid
      From TblOxides
      Where zircon Is Not Null And zircon>0
      ORDER BY glaze;

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