NDK将c ++移植到android运行时故障

时间:2017-08-12 23:07:44

标签: android c++ c android-ndk

我是新来的,我正在尝试从windows到android armeabi-v7a的端口c ++游戏服务器代码,但我从android ndk遇到此警报,该进程应继续运行,因为它是服务器:

C:/Users/Home/Documents/samps/jni/raknet/SingleProducerConsumer.h:138:3: note: when a volatile object spans multiple type-sized locations, the compiler must choose bet ween using a single mis-aligned access to preserve the volatility, or using multiple aligned accesses to avoid runtime faults; this code may fail at runtime if the har dware does not allow this access if (writeAheadPointer->next==readPointer || ^


raksamp on android


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