var lastRotation = CGFloat()
func rotateAction(sender:UIRotationGestureRecognizer){
let currentTransform = sender.view?.transform
let rotation = 0.0 - (lastRotation - sender.rotation)
let newTransform = currentTransform!.rotated(by: rotation)
let radians = atan2f(Float(sender.view!.transform.b), Float(sender.view!.transform.a))
let degrees = radians * (180 / .pi)
sender.view?.transform = newTransform
lastRotation = sender.rotation
if sender.state == .ended {
lastRotation = 0.0;
// The if statement works correctly when reaching the angles
if degrees > -95 && degrees < -85 {
else if degrees > -185 && degrees < -175 {
else if degrees > -275 && degrees < -265 {
else if degrees > -5 && degrees < 5 {
// So I tried this but it does not seem right, it always pushed it away from angle 0
lastRotation = CGFloat(0.0 - radians)
答案 0 :(得分:0)
数学与您正在进行的检查并不相同(度数变量为:-180 ... 0 ... 180 - &gt; -180 ... 0等)。
let rad = fabs(sender.rotation.truncatingRemainder(dividingBy: 2 * CGFloat.pi))
print("rotation", sender.rotation, degrees, rad)
switch rad {
case 1.48353...1.65806 :
print("do things")
case 3.05433...3.22886 :
print("do things")
case 4.62512...4.79966 :
print("do things")
case 0...0.0872665 :
print("this is check one of 2")
case 6.19592...6.28319 :
print("this is check two of 2")
print("do other things")
答案 1 :(得分:0)
if (DISTANCE(rotationValue, round(rotationValue/(π/2.0))*(π/2.0)) < 0.05) {
rotationValue = round(rotationValue/(π/2.0))*(π/2.0);//90º snapped
#define π 3.14159265358979323846264338327950288
#define DISTANCE(__valueOne, __valueTwo) ((((__valueOne)-(__valueTwo))>=0)?((__valueOne)-(__valueTwo)):((__valueTwo)-(__valueOne)))