
时间:2017-08-10 15:00:51

标签: json shell jq




               "title":"Level One Title",
                     "title":"Level One Course One Title",
                           "title":"lesson 1 title",
                           "url":"lesson 1 url"
                           "title":"lesson 2 title",
                           "url":"lesson 2 url"
                     "title":"Level One Course Two Title",
                           "title":"lesson 1 title",
                           "url":"lesson 1 url"
                           "title":"lesson 2 title",
                           "url":"lesson 2 url"
               "title":"Level Two Title",
                     "title":"Level Two Course One Title",
                           "title":"lesson 1 title",
                           "url":"lesson 1 url"
                           "title":"lesson 2 title",
                           "url":"lesson 2 url"
                     "title":"Level Two Course Two Title",
                           "title":"lesson 1 title",
                           "url":"lesson 1 url"
                           "title":"lesson 2 title",
                           "url":"lesson 2 url"


for level in levels {
    let title = level["title"]
    //TODO: create a folder with title and set as pwd
    for course in level["courses"] {
        let courseTitle = course["title"]
        //TODO: create a folder with title and set as pwd
        for lesson in course["lessons"] {
            let title = lesson["title"]
            let videoURL = lesson["url"]
            //TODO: download video in current folder with title

levelsArray DictionarieslevelDictionaries之一。每个级别都包含Array coursesDictionary,每个级别为Array,其中包含lessonlevels=$(jq ".items[0].playlists" data.json) for level in $levels do title=$($level | jq ".title") echo $title done 词典。


groups = (1, 2, 3, 4)
attrs = ('Referencia', 'Concepto', 'Cantidad', 'Precio', 'Descuento')
idx = (15, 22, 29, 38)

for group, index in zip(groups, idx):
    for i, attr in enumerate(attrs):
        getattr(self, 'line' + attr + str(i)).setText(utilidades.ensure_its_str(registro[i+index]))


1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:3)


.items[].playlists[]            # we only care about playlist contents
| .title as $level_title        # store the level title before recursing
| .courses[]                    # ...into elements of the array in .courses...
| .title as $course_title       # repeat to store the course title
| .lessons[]                    # ...before recursing into the lesson...
# ...and emitting the stored level and course titles, plus the lesson title and url
| [$level_title, $course_title, .title, .url] | @tsv                              

while IFS=$'\t' read -r level_title course_title lesson_title lesson_url <&3; do
  mkdir -p -- "$level_title/$course_title"
  ## For test purposes, just store the URL in the file
  printf '%s\n' "$lesson_url" >"$level_title/$course_title/$lesson_title"
  ## If we had real data, we might instead be running something like:
  # curl -o "$level_title/$course_title/$lesson_title" "$lesson_url"
done 3< <(jq -r "$jq_program" <input.json)


请参阅BashFAQ #1讨论我们在此处使用的技术,以便从jq的输出中读取制表符分隔的数据。