<firanalytics error =“”>数据丢失。无法使用Unity Firebase SDK记录事件元数据

时间:2017-08-09 08:41:38

标签: ios firebase unity3d firebase-analytics




  • 下载最新的unity-firebase SDK 4.0.3
  • 使用Unity 5.5.4f1(从5.4.1f1升级testapp项目)
  • 打开testapp项目
  • 从FirebaseAnalytics.unitypackage
  • 导入unity-firebase-analytics SDK
  • 从firebase控制台下载GoogleService-Info.plist并复制到项目
  • 设置testapp unity项目并构建到xcode项目中
    • 切换到iOS平台
    • 在Unity的iOS构建设置中关闭引擎条带
    • 将TestApp / MainScene.unity3d设为第一个构建场景
  • 构建路径上的执行命令pod install

    Analyzing dependencies
    Downloading dependencies
    Using Firebase (4.0.4)
    Using FirebaseAnalytics (4.0.2)
    Using FirebaseCore (4.0.4)
    Using FirebaseInstanceID (2.0.0)
    Using GoogleToolboxForMac (2.1.1)
    Using nanopb (0.3.8)
    Generating Pods project
    Skipping User Project Integration
    Sending stats
    Pod installation complete! There are 2 dependencies from the Podfile and 6 total pods installed.
  • 使用xcode 8.3.3打开xcode项目
    • 设置签名配置
  • 使用iOS 10.3.2在iPhone上构建并运行


2017-08-09 14:28:09.611 testapp[1086] <Notice> [Firebase/Analytics][I-ACS023007] Firebase Analytics v.40002000 started
2017-08-09 14:28:09.612 testapp[1086] <Debug> [Firebase/Analytics][I-ACS023009] Debug logging enabled
2017-08-09 14:28:09.667 testapp[1086] <Debug> [Firebase/Analytics][I-ACS023016] Firebase Analytics is ready to receive events
2017-08-09 14:28:09.884 testapp[1086] <Notice> [Firebase/Analytics][I-ACS003007] Successfully created Firebase Analytics App Delegate Proxy automatically. To disable the proxy, set the flag FirebaseAppDelegateProxyEnabled to NO in the Info.plist


2017-08-09 14:28:09.889 testapp[1086] <Warning> [Firebase/Analytics][I-ACS012011] Received empty measurement bundle metadata for getting dictionary representation
2017-08-09 14:28:09.890 testapp[1086] <Error> [Firebase/Analytics][I-ACS023068] Data loss. Cannot record event metadata. Error: Error Domain=com.google.gmp.measurement.ErrorDomain Code=2 "Failed to insert/update unknown data type" UserInfo={NSLocalizedDescription=Failed to insert/update unknown data type}
2017-08-09 14:28:09.890 testapp[1086] <Error> [Firebase/Analytics][I-ACS034010] Transaction failed

这里的要点是full log。感谢任何帮助,谢谢。

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