如何使用CSS Selector和BeautifulSoup从表中抓取数据?

时间:2017-08-08 19:23:02

标签: python beautifulsoup css-selectors

在这个页面上,有一系列表我试图从未命名的表和未命名的单元格中获取特定数据。我使用Chrome中的inspect元素中的Copy Selector来查找CSS选择器。当我要求Python打印特定的CSS选择器时,我得到了#Nonetype'对象不可调用

特别是在这个页面上,我试图得到数字" 198"从#general-info,article:nth-​​child(4),table:nth-​​child(2),


CSS Selector路径是:

"html body div#program-details section#general-info article.grid-50 table tbody tr td"


#general-info > article:nth-child(4) > table:nth-child(2) > tbody > tr > td:nth-child(2)


import mechanize  
import requests
import urllib2
import urllib
import csv
from BeautifulSoup import BeautifulSoup

br = mechanize.Browser()
br.addheaders = [("User-agent","Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv: Gecko/20101206 Ubuntu/10.10 (maverick) Firefox/3.6.13")]

sign_in = br.open('https://login.ama-assn.org/account/login')  #the login url

br.select_form(name = "go") #Alternatively you may use this instead of the above line if your form has name attribute available.

br["username"] = "wasabinoodlz" #the key "username" is the variable that takes the username/email value
br["password"] = "Bongshop10"    #the key "password" is the variable that takes the password value
logged_in = br.submit()   #submitting the login credentials
logincheck = logged_in.read()  #reading the page body that is redirected after successful login
#print (logincheck) #printing the body of the redirected url after login

# EULA agreement stuff
cont = br.open('https://freida.ama-assn.org/Freida/eula.do').read()
cont1 = br.open('https://freida.ama-assn.org/Freida/eulaSubmit.do').read()

# Begin request for page data
req = br.open('https://freida.ama-assn.org/Freida/user/programDetails.do?pgmNumber=1205712369').read()

#Da Soups!
soup = BeautifulSoup(req)
#print soup.prettify() # use this to read html.prettify()

for score in soup.select('#general-info > article:nth-child(4) > table:nth-child(2) > tbody > tr > td:nth-child(2)'):
    print score.string

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)


soup = BeautifulSoup(req, 'html5lib')


data = soup.select(
          '#general-info > '
          'article:nth-of-type(4) > '
          'table:nth-of-type(2) > '
          'tbody > '
          'tr > '