Express js抛出Rethrow非MySQL错误

时间:2017-08-07 15:24:47

标签: mysql express passport.js


    new LocalStrategy({
        usernameField : 'email',
        passwordField : 'password',
        passReqToCallback : true // allows us to pass back the entire request to the callback
    function(req, email, password, first_name, done) {
      var displayName = req.body.first_name;
      // find a user whose email is the same as the forms email
      // we are checking to see if the user trying to login already exists
      dbConnection.query("SELECT * FROM users WHERE email = ?",[email], function(err, rows) {
        if (err) {
          return done(err);
        if (rows.length) {
          return done(null, false, { error: 'That email is already being used.' });
        } else {
          // if there is no user with that email
          // create the user
          var salt = bcrypt.genSaltSync(10);
          var passwordHash = bcrypt.hashSync(password, salt);

          var userInfo = {
            email: email,
            first_name: displayName

          var insertQuery = "INSERT INTO users ( email, password, first_name) values ('"+email+"','"+passwordHash+"','"+displayName+"')";
          dbConnection.query(insertQuery,function(err, rows) {
   = rows.insertId;
            return done(null, userInfo);

Error of the code in console

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)


function(req, email, password, first_name, done)


function(req, email, password, done)