'警告消息' .Fields名为street
我正在努力,如何访问每个错误的validationRules:' ....'。
我创建了var get_error
' ......',但是没有工作。
var get_error = validationRules.firstName.error
errors.forEach(function(error) {
document.getElementById('warning_msg').innerHTML = get_error;
答案 0 :(得分:1)
function Validation( items ) {
'use strict';
this.items = items || {};
this.errors = {};
this.data = {};
this.success = false;
Validation.prototype.check = function( form ) {
'use strict';
for ( var elem in (this.items) ) {
if ( {}.hasOwnProperty.call(this.items, elem) ) {
var rules = this.items[elem];
var formElement = form[elem];
// Is it an instance of radionodelist or not
// As in is a radio or checkbox
if ( 'tagName' in formElement ) {
switch ( formElement.tagName.toLowerCase() ) {
case 'select':
this.validateSelect( elem, rules, formElement, form, this.items );
case 'input':
case 'textarea':
this.validateInput( elem, rules, formElement, form, this.items );
} else {
var firstNode = formElement[0]; // FormElement contains a RadioNodeList Object
switch ( firstNode.getAttribute('type').toLowerCase() ) {
case 'radio':
this.validateRadio( elem, rules, formElement, form, this.items );
case 'checkbox':
this.validateCheckBox( elem, rules, formElement, form, this.items );
if ( isEmpty(this.errors) ) {
this.success = true;
return this;
// Validate provided value, if any
Validation.prototype.validateValue = function( value, elem, rules, form, items ) {
'use strict';
var error = false;
if ( 'required' in rules ) {
if ( value.length === 0 ) {
this.errors[elem] = rules['name'] + ' is required';
error = true;
if ( (value.length !== 0) && !(error) ) {
if ( 'min' in rules ) {
if ( rules['expected'].toLowerCase() === 'integer' ) {
// Check if a valid number or integer is provided
if ( isNaN(Number(value)) ) {
this.errors[elem] = rules['name'] + ' is not a valid number';
error = true;
if ( !(error) ) {
if ( this.checkMin(value, rules['min'], rules['expected']) ) {
this.errors[elem] = this.getMinMessage(
rules['name'], rules['min'], rules['expected']
error = true;
if ( (value.length !== 0) && !(error) ) {
if ( 'max' in rules ) {
if ( rules['expected'].toLowerCase() === 'integer' ) {
// Check if a valid number or integer is provided
if ( isNaN(Number(value)) ) {
this.errors[elem] = rules['name'] + ' is not a valid number';
error = true;
if ( !(error) ) {
if ( this.checkMax(value, rules['max'], rules['expected']) ) {
this.errors[elem] = this.getMaxMessage(
rules['name'], rules['max'], rules['expected']
error = true;
if ( (value.length !== 0) && !(error) ) {
if ( 'matches' in rules ) {
var compareValue = form[rules['matches']].value;
if ( value !== compareValue ) {
var compareName = items[ rules['matches'] ];
compareName = compareName['name'];
this.errors[elem] = rules['name'] + ' does not match ' + compareName;
error = true;
if ( (value.length !== 0) && !(error) ) {
if ( 'email' in rules ) {
if ( !(this.checkEmail(value)) ) {
this.errors[elem] = rules['name'] + ' is not valid';
error = true;
if ( (value.length !== 0) && !(error) ) {
if ( 'date' in rules ) {
if ( !(this.checkDate(value)) ) {
this.errors[elem] = rules['name'] + ' is not a valid date';
error = true;
if ( (value.length !== 0) && !(error) ) {
if ( 'permitted' in rules ) {
if ( value.indexOf('fakepath') !== -1 && value.indexOf('\\') !== -1 ) {
value = value.split('\\').pop();
} else if ( value.indexOf('fakepath') !== -1 && value.indexOf('/') !== -1 ) {
value = value.split('/').pop();
var permitted = rules['permitted'];
var checkValue = value.split('.').pop().toLowerCase();
if ( permitted.indexOf(checkValue) === -1 ) {
this.errors[elem] = rules['name'] + ' is not permitted';
error = true;
if ( (value.length !== 0) && !(error) ) {
if ( 'pattern' in rules ) {
var regex = rules['pattern'];
if ( !(regex.test(value)) ) {
this.errors[elem] = rules['name'] + ' is not in the required format';
error = true;
// Finally, if no error add to data collection
if ( !(error) ) {
this.data[elem] = value;
// Validate Select Menu
Validation.prototype.validateSelect = function( elem, rules, formElement, form, items ) {
'use strict';
var value = '';
if ( formElement.hasAttribute('multiple') ) {
value = [];
for ( var i = 0, len = formElement.options.length; i < len; i += 1 ) {
if ( formElement.options[i].selected ) {
value.push( trim(formElement.options[i].value) );
} else {
value = trim( formElement.value );
this.validateValue( value, elem, rules, form, items );
// Validate Textarea or Input of type text, password,
// date, search, email etc
Validation.prototype.validateInput = function( elem, rules, formElement, form, items ) {
'use strict';
var value = '';
if ( formElement.hasAttribute('type') ) {
if ( formElement.getAttribute('type').toLowerCase() === 'password' ) {
value = formElement.value;
} else {
value = trim( formElement.value );
} else {
// Textarea value
value = trim( formElement.value );
this.validateValue( value, elem, rules, form, items );
// Validate Radio Buttons
Validation.prototype.validateRadio = function( elem, rules, nodeList, form, items ) {
'use strict';
var value = '';
for ( var i = 0, len = nodeList.length; i < len; i += 1 ) {
if ( nodeList[i].checked ) {
value = trim( nodeList[i].value );
this.validateValue( value, elem, rules, form, items );
// Validate Checkboxes
Validation.prototype.validateCheckBox = function( elem, rules, nodeList, form, items ) {
'use strict';
var values = [];
for ( var i = 0, len = nodeList.length; i < len; i += 1 ) {
if ( nodeList[i].checked ) {
values.push( trim(nodeList[i].value) );
this.validateValue( values, elem, rules, form, items );
Validation.prototype.getMinMessage = function( name, minValue, expected ) {
'use strict';
expected = expected || '';
switch ( expected.toLowerCase() ) {
case 'integer':
return name + ' cannot be less than ' + minValue;
case 'string':
return name + ' must be a minimum of ' + minValue + ' characters';
return 'You must select at least ' + minValue + ' ' + name;
Validation.prototype.getMaxMessage = function( name, maxValue, expected ) {
'use strict';
expected = expected || '';
switch ( expected.toLowerCase() ) {
case 'integer':
return name + ' cannot be greater than ' + maxValue;
case 'string':
return name + ' must be a maximum of ' + maxValue + ' characters';
return 'You must select a maximum of ' + maxValue + ' ' + name;
// Check Minimum value
Validation.prototype.checkMin = function( value, minValue, expected ) {
'use strict';
expected = expected || '';
switch ( expected.toLowerCase() ) {
case 'integer':
return Number(value) < minValue;
case 'string':
return String(value).length < minValue;
return value.length < minValue;
// Check Maximum value
Validation.prototype.checkMax = function( value, maxValue, expected ) {
'use strict';
expected = expected || '';
switch ( expected.toLowerCase() ) {
case 'integer':
return Number(value) > maxValue;
case 'string':
return String(value).length > maxValue;
return value.length > maxValue;
// Check email value
Validation.prototype.checkDate = function( value ) {
'use strict';
var date = new Date( value );
return ( isNaN(date.getDate()) ) ? false : true;
// Check email value
Validation.prototype.checkEmail = function( value ) {
'use strict';
var emailRegex = /^[\w.%+\-]+@[\w.\-]+\.[A-za-z]{2,}$/;
return emailRegex.test( value );
Validation.prototype.getErrors = function() {
'use strict';
return this.errors;
Validation.prototype.getData = function() {
'use strict';
return this.data;
Validation.prototype.passed = function() {
'use strict';
return this.success;