
时间:2017-08-07 09:35:00

标签: selenium specflow

在specflow中使用examples关键字参数化创建问题。 以下是我在场中插入密码的方案和代码:

Scenario Outline: Register Successfully
Given I am shown the Registration view
When I enter ComapnyName in the <CompanyName> field
And I enter UserName in the <UserName> field
And I enter Email in the <Email> field
And I enter Password in the  <Password> field
And I enter ConfirmPassword in the <ConfirmPassword> field
And I choose to register my account
Then my user account is created
And I am navigated to my company dashboard


| CompanyName | UserName      | Email                               | Password      | ConfirmPassword |
| XYZ         | Salman Haider | salman.haider@gmail.com             | FooBar@123    | FooBar@123      |

public void Password(string password, int n)
        //Getting and Setting up the values in the Password Field
        var passwords = Helper.Driver.FindElements(By.XPath(".//*[@name='password']")).ToList();


Scenario: Register Successfully
Given I am shown the Registration view
When I enter credientials 
| CompanyName | UserName   | Email                              | Password      | ConfirmPassword |
| Seven       | Mobeen     | usama.rafiq@gmail.com              | FooBar@123    | FooBar@123      |

And I choose to register my account
Then my user account is created
And I am navigated to my company dashboard


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