
时间:2017-08-07 02:47:44

标签: batch-file

我只是想知道我是否使用How to copy files into folders based on first 15 characters of file and folder name?上的答案中张贴的代码正确修改了源位置和目标位置


@echo off 
setlocal EnableExtensions 
set "SourceFolder=C:\PRASINUS\July #2" 
set "TargetFolder=C:\PRASINUS\Test 1"

rem Call subroutine CopyFile for each non hidden and 
rem non system file found in specified source folder 
rem and then exit processing of this batch file.

for %%I in ("%SourceFolder%*") do call :CopyFile "%%~fI"

goto :EOF

rem This is a subroutine called for each file in source folder. 
rem It takes the first 9 characters from each file name passed 
rem to this subroutine via first parameter and search for a 
rem folder in target folder starting with same 9 characters. 
rem If such a folder is found, the file is copied to this folder 
rem and the subroutine is exited. 
rem Otherwise a new folder is created for the file and if 
rem this is indeed successful, the file is copied into the 
rem newly created folder with an appropriate message.

set "FileName=%~n1" 
set "DirectoryName=%FileName:~0,9%" 
for /D %%D in ("%TargetFolder%\%DirectoryName%*") do ( 
    copy /B /Y %1 /B "%%~D\" >nul 
    goto :EOF

set "NewFolder=%TargetFolder%\%DirectoryName%_new" 
md "%NewFolder%" 
if exist "%NewFolder%\" ( 
    echo Created new folder: %NewFolder% 
    copy /B /Y %1 /B "%NewFolder%\" >nul 
    goto :EOF 

echo Failed to create folder: %NewFolder%
echo Could not copy file: %1 
goto :EOF

2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:3)


您需要在\中的%SourceFolder%*之间添加"%SourceFolder%*",以便向cmd表明您想要所有文件(*)在目录%SourceFolder%内,而不是匹配“%SourceFolder%+ anystring ”的文件



所有这些都显示正常。但是,如果要在FAT格式的驱动器上设置目标,则应注意目录名称不一定按字母顺序返回,因此directory_old可能会出现在directory_new之前(如果两者都存在)。 / p>

我必须祝贺你使用过的文件数量。我倾向于使用::代替rem,因为我觉得它更易于阅读 - 您不会“阅读”rem“字”,因为眼睛会忽略:: 1}}因为它不是一个单词。请注意,::-comments可能不会在代码块(带括号的系列语句)中使用

答案 1 :(得分:0)

您找到的示例脚本的替代方法,(最低要求Windows Vista)

@Echo Off 

Set "SRC=C:\PRASINUS\July #2"
Set "DST=C:\PRASINUS\Test 1"

SetLocal EnableDelayedExpansion
If Not Exist "%SRC%\" (Exit/B) Else If Not Exist "%DST%\" Exit/B
For /F "Delims=" %%A In ('Where "%SRC%":?????????*.*') Do (Set "FNX=%%~nA"
    If Not Exist "%DST%\!FNX:~,9!\" (MD "%DST%\!FNX:~,9!" 2>Nul
        If ErrorLevel 1 Echo Unable to create directory %DST%\!FNX:~,9!)
    If Exist "%DST%\!FNX:~,9!\" (Move /Y "%%A" "%DST%\!FNX:~,9!">Nul 2>&1
        If ErrorLevel 1 Echo Unable to move %%A to %DST%\!FNX:~,9!))
Timeout -1
