
时间:2017-08-05 22:46:44

标签: python batch-file audio split ffmpeg



  • 分道而沉默2秒或更长时间
  • 然后在这些曲目的开头和结尾添加0.5秒并将其保存为.mp3
  • BitRate 192立体声
  • 规范化卷以确保所有文件的卷和质量相同


3 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:12)



pip install pydub

如果需要,您可能需要安装ffmpeg / avlib。有关详细信息,请参阅this link

这是一个执行您所要求的代码段。某些参数(例如silence_thresholdtarget_dBFS)可能需要进行一些调整才能满足您的要求。 总的来说,我能够分割mp3个文件,但我必须为silence_threshold尝试不同的值。


# Import the AudioSegment class for processing audio and the 
# split_on_silence function for separating out silent chunks.
from pydub import AudioSegment
from pydub.silence import split_on_silence

# Define a function to normalize a chunk to a target amplitude.
def match_target_amplitude(aChunk, target_dBFS):
    ''' Normalize given audio chunk '''
    change_in_dBFS = target_dBFS - aChunk.dBFS
    return aChunk.apply_gain(change_in_dBFS)

# Load your audio.
song = AudioSegment.from_mp3("your_audio.mp3")

# Split track where the silence is 2 seconds or more and get chunks using 
# the imported function.
chunks = split_on_silence (
    # Use the loaded audio.
    # Specify that a silent chunk must be at least 2 seconds or 2000 ms long.
    min_silence_len = 2000,
    # Consider a chunk silent if it's quieter than -16 dBFS.
    # (You may want to adjust this parameter.)
    silence_thresh = -16

# Process each chunk with your parameters
for i, chunk in enumerate(chunks):
    # Create a silence chunk that's 0.5 seconds (or 500 ms) long for padding.
    silence_chunk = AudioSegment.silent(duration=500)

    # Add the padding chunk to beginning and end of the entire chunk.
    audio_chunk = silence_chunk + chunk + silence_chunk

    # Normalize the entire chunk.
    normalized_chunk = match_target_amplitude(audio_chunk, -20.0)

    # Export the audio chunk with new bitrate.
    print("Exporting chunk{0}.mp3.".format(i))
        bitrate = "192k",
        format = "mp3"

如果您的原始音频是立体声(2声道),您的声部也将是立体声。 您可以像这样检查原始音频:

>>> song.channels

答案 1 :(得分:0)


def split(file, filepath):
    sound = AudioSegment.from_wav(filepath)
    dBFS = sound.dBFS
    chunks = split_on_silence(sound, 
        min_silence_len = 500,
        silence_thresh = dBFS-16,
        keep_silence = 250 //optional



target_length = 25 * 1000 //setting minimum length of each chunk to 25 seconds
output_chunks = [chunks[0]]
for chunk in chunks[1:]:
    if len(output_chunks[-1]) < target_length:
        output_chunks[-1] += chunk
        # if the last output chunk is longer than the target length,
        # we can start a new one


答案 2 :(得分:0)



  1. 它与ffmpeg
  2. 一起使用
  3. 它基于本文中的文森特·伯塞缪姆(Vincent Berthiaume)的代码(https://stackoverflow.com/a/37573133/2747626
  4. 它需要numpy(尽管从numpy不需要太多,而且没有numpy的解决方案可能相对容易编写并进一步提高了速度)


  1. 此处提供的解决方案是基于AI的,或者速度非常慢,或者将整个音频加载到了内存中,这对我而言是不可行的(我想将巴赫的《勃兰登堡协奏曲》的所有录音分成特定的歌曲, 2个LP长2小时,@ 44 kHz 16位立体声,在内存中为1.4 GB,非常慢。从我偶然发现这篇文章的开始,我就告诉自己,必须有一种简单的方法,因为这只是阈值过滤器操作,不需要太多的开销,并且一次可以处理很小的音频块。几个月后,我偶然发现了https://stackoverflow.com/a/37573133/2747626,这使我有了相对高效地完成音频分割的想法。
  2. 命令行参数提供源mp3(或ffmpeg可以读取的任何源),静默持续时间和噪声阈值。对于我的巴赫(Bach)LP唱片,一秒钟的振幅为0.01的全幅垃圾就可以了。
  3. 它可以让ffmpeg将输入转换为无损16位22kHz PCM,并通过subprocess.Popen传递回去,其优点是ffmpeg如此之快而且几乎没有块不会占用太多内存。
  4. 返回python,将最后一个缓冲区和最后一个缓冲区的2个临时numpy数组连接起来,并检查它们是否超过给定的阈值。如果他们不这样做,则意味着存在一片沉默,(我天真地承认)只是计算存在“沉默”的时间。如果时间至少等于给定的分钟。静默持续时间,(再次是天真的)将此当前间隔的中间作为分裂时刻。
  5. 该程序实际上对源文件不执行任何操作,而是创建了一个可以运行的批处理文件,该文件告诉ffmpeg截取这些“沉默”所界定的片段并将其保存到单独的文件中。
  6. 然后,用户可以运行输出的批处理文件,也许可以过滤掉一些重复的微间隔,并保持一小段沉默,以防歌曲之间有长时间的停顿。
  7. 此解决方案既有效又快速(该线程中的其他解决方案都没有对我起作用)。


import subprocess as sp
import sys
import numpy

FFMPEG_BIN = "ffmpeg.exe"

print 'ASplit.py <src.mp3> <silence duration in seconds> <threshold amplitude 0.0 .. 1.0>'

src = sys.argv[1]
dur = float(sys.argv[2])
thr = int(float(sys.argv[3]) * 65535)

f = open('%s-out.bat' % src, 'wb')

tmprate = 22050
len2 = dur * tmprate
buflen = int(len2     * 2)
#            t * rate * 16 bits

oarr = numpy.arange(1, dtype='int16')
# just a dummy array for the first chunk

command = [ FFMPEG_BIN,
        '-i', src,
        '-f', 's16le',
        '-acodec', 'pcm_s16le',
        '-ar', str(tmprate), # ouput sampling rate
        '-ac', '1', # '1' for mono
        '-']        # - output to stdout

pipe = sp.Popen(command, stdout=sp.PIPE, bufsize=10**8)

tf = True
pos = 0
opos = 0
part = 0

while tf :

    raw = pipe.stdout.read(buflen)
    if raw == '' :
        tf = False

    arr = numpy.fromstring(raw, dtype = "int16")

    rng = numpy.concatenate([oarr, arr])
    mx = numpy.amax(rng)
    if mx <= thr :
        # the peak in this range is less than the threshold value
        trng = (rng <= thr) * 1
        # effectively a pass filter with all samples <= thr set to 0 and > thr set to 1
        sm = numpy.sum(trng)
        # i.e. simply (naively) check how many 1's there were
        if sm >= len2 :
            part += 1
            apos = pos + dur * 0.5
            print mx, sm, len2, apos
            f.write('ffmpeg -i "%s" -ss %f -to %f -c copy -y "%s-p%04d.mp3"\r\n' % (src, opos, apos, src, part))
            opos = apos

    pos += dur

    oarr = arr

part += 1    
f.write('ffmpeg -i "%s" -ss %f -to %f -c copy -y "%s-p%04d.mp3"\r\n' % (src, opos, pos, src, part))