how can I write data from my NSDictionary * dictTemp to my SQLite3 database / update? What is the best solution. It's about updating a field (rating )
NSDictionary Demo Output :
2017-08-05 13:23:54.048340 TestApp [1904:979083] Club ID : 101 Value 3
2017-08-05 13:23:54.048498 TestApp [1904:979083] Club ID : 102 Value 1
2017-08-05 13:23:54.048579 TestApp [1904:979083] Club ID : 103 Value 5
SQLite3 Database :
Thanks for help
my code:
insert JSON to NSDictionary:
NSURL *baseURL = [NSURL URLWithString:getLiveRating];
NSString *path = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"LiveRatingDemo.json"];
AFHTTPSessionManager *manager = [[AFHTTPSessionManager alloc] initWithBaseURL:baseURL];
[manager GET:path parameters:nil progress:nil success:^(NSURLSessionDataTask *task, id JSON)
NSDictionary *dictTemp = (NSDictionary *) JSON;
NSArray *arrRating = [dictTemp objectForKey:@"ratingArray"];
for (int i=0; i<arrRating.count; i++) {
GetRating *rat = [[GetRating alloc] init];
[rat parseResponse:[arrRating objectAtIndex:i]];
[mratingLive addObject:rat];
NSLog(@"Success: %@", JSON);
save to database:
sqlite3_stmt *statement;
NSString* db_ort = [DOCS_FOLDER stringByAppendingPathComponent:DB_NAME];
const char *dbpath = [db_ort UTF8String];
if (sqlite3_open(dbpath, &contactDB) == SQLITE_OK)
NSString *insertSQL = [NSString stringWithFormat: @"INSERT INTO restaurants (rating) VALUES (\"%@\")", ratingValue];
const char *insert_stmt = [insertSQL UTF8String];
sqlite3_prepare_v2(contactDB, insert_stmt, -1, &statement, NULL);
if (sqlite3_step(statement) == SQLITE_DONE)
ratingValue = @"Rating Insert OK!";
} else {
ratingValue = @"Rating error ";
What did I wrong this?
NSLog(@"Datenbank wird Aktualisiert (get Rating JSON Data)");
sqlite3_stmt *statement;
NSString* db_ort = [DOCS_FOLDER stringByAppendingPathComponent:DB_NAME];
const char *dbpath = [db_ort UTF8String];
if (sqlite3_open(dbpath, &contactDB) == SQLITE_OK)
// NSString *insertSQL = [NSString stringWithFormat: @"INSERT INTO restaurants (rating) VALUES (\"%@\")", ratingValue];
for (int i=0; i<mratingLive.count; i++) {
GetRating *rat = [mratingLive objectAtIndex:i];
NSString *insertSQL = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"update restaurants Set rating = '%@' WHERE restaurantid = '%@'", rat.ratingValue, rat.ratingClubID];
const char *insert_stmt = [insertSQL UTF8String];
sqlite3_prepare_v2(contactDB, insert_stmt, -1, &statement, NULL);
if (sqlite3_step(statement) == SQLITE_DONE)
rat.ratingValue = @"Rating Insert OK!";
} else {
rat.ratingValue = @"Rating error ";
How can I relate the right strings , NSString... in my code
答案 0 :(得分:0)
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