
时间:2017-08-04 15:56:48

标签: c# asp.net repeater





View1用于用户数据输入。 View2用于预览数据,如果一切正常,则提交记录。







   private void SetRowData2()
        int rowIndex = 0;

        if (ViewState["CurrentTable"] != null)
            DataTable dt = (DataTable)ViewState["CurrentTable"];
            DataRow drCurrentRow = null;
            if (dt.Rows.Count > 0)
                for (int i = 1; i <= dt.Rows.Count; i++)
                    TextBox tbaircity = (TextBox)Repeater2.Items[rowIndex].FindControl("aircraftCity");
                    TextBox tbaircnty = (TextBox)Repeater2.Items[rowIndex].FindControl("aircraftcnty");
                    DropDownList tbairstate = (DropDownList)Repeater2.Items[rowIndex].FindControl("aircraftstate");
                    TextBox tbTextBox2 = (TextBox)Repeater2.Items[rowIndex].FindControl("aRegNo");
                    TextBox tbTextBox3 = (TextBox)Repeater2.Items[rowIndex].FindControl("aMake");
                    TextBox tbTextBox4 = (TextBox)Repeater2.Items[rowIndex].FindControl("aModelNo");
                    TextBox tbTextBox5 = (TextBox)Repeater2.Items[rowIndex].FindControl("aYRBuilt");
                    TextBox tbTextBox6 = (TextBox)Repeater2.Items[rowIndex].FindControl("aSN");
                    TextBox tbdatePurchased = (TextBox)Repeater2.Items[rowIndex].FindControl("txtdatePurchased");
                    RadioButtonList tbPurchaseType = (RadioButtonList)Repeater2.Items[rowIndex].FindControl("rblPurchaseType");
                    TextBox tbPrevOnwerName = (TextBox)Repeater2.Items[rowIndex].FindControl("txtPrevOnwerName");
                    TextBox tbprevAddr = (TextBox)Repeater2.Items[rowIndex].FindControl("txtprevAddr");
                    TextBox tbprevCity = (TextBox)Repeater2.Items[rowIndex].FindControl("txtprevCity");
                    DropDownList tbPrevState = (DropDownList)Repeater2.Items[rowIndex].FindControl("ddlPrevState");
                    TextBox tbprevzip = (TextBox)Repeater2.Items[rowIndex].FindControl("txtprevzip");
                    TextBox tbbuyername = (TextBox)Repeater2.Items[rowIndex].FindControl("txtbuyername");
                    TextBox tbbuyeraddress = (TextBox)Repeater2.Items[rowIndex].FindControl("txtbuyeraddress");
                    TextBox tbbuyercity = (TextBox)Repeater2.Items[rowIndex].FindControl("txtbuyercity");
                    DropDownList tbbuyerstate = (DropDownList)Repeater2.Items[rowIndex].FindControl("lblbuyerstate");
                    TextBox tbbuyerzip = (TextBox)Repeater2.Items[rowIndex].FindControl("txtbuyerzip");
                    TextBox tbdatesold = (TextBox)Repeater2.Items[rowIndex].FindControl("txtdatesold");
                    TextBox tbsalePrice = (TextBox)Repeater2.Items[rowIndex].FindControl("txtsalePrice");
                    TextBox tbdescription = (TextBox)Repeater2.Items[rowIndex].FindControl("txtDescription");
                    TextBox tbTextBox9 = (TextBox)Repeater2.Items[rowIndex].FindControl("aircraftCost");
                    TextBox tbBtwnTBO = (TextBox)Repeater2.Items[rowIndex].FindControl("hrsBtwnTBO");
                    TextBox tbOverhaul = (TextBox)Repeater2.Items[rowIndex].FindControl("hrsOverhaul");
                    RadioButtonList tbrbllastOverHaul = (RadioButtonList)Repeater2.Items[rowIndex].FindControl("rbllastOverHaul");
                    TextBox tbTotalOnAirFrm = (TextBox)Repeater2.Items[rowIndex].FindControl("TotOnAirFrm");
                    TextBox tbAvionics = (TextBox)Repeater2.Items[rowIndex].FindControl("txtavionics");
                    RadioButtonList tbissues = (RadioButtonList)Repeater2.Items[rowIndex].FindControl("rblIssues");
                    TextBox tbissuedetails = (TextBox)Repeater2.Items[rowIndex].FindControl("functionalIsses");
                    drCurrentRow = dt.NewRow();

                    drCurrentRow["RowNumber"] = i + 1;
                    dt.Rows[i - 1]["aircity"] = tbaircity.Text;
                    dt.Rows[i - 1]["aircnty"] = tbaircnty.Text;
                    dt.Rows[i - 1]["airstate"] = tbairstate.Text;
                    dt.Rows[i - 1]["aRegNo"] = tbTextBox2.Text;
                    dt.Rows[i - 1]["Make"] = tbTextBox3.Text;
                    dt.Rows[i - 1]["ModelNo"] = tbTextBox4.Text;
                    dt.Rows[i - 1]["YRBuilt"] = tbTextBox5.Text;
                    dt.Rows[i - 1]["SN"] = tbTextBox6.Text;
                    dt.Rows[i - 1]["txtdatePurchased"] = tbdatePurchased.Text;
                    dt.Rows[i - 1]["rblPurchaseType"] = tbPurchaseType.Text;
                    dt.Rows[i - 1]["rblPurchaseType"] = tbPurchaseType.Text;
                    dt.Rows[i - 1]["PrevOnwerName"] = tbPrevOnwerName.Text;
                    dt.Rows[i - 1]["prevAddr"] = tbprevAddr.Text;
                    dt.Rows[i - 1]["prevCity"] = tbprevCity.Text;
                    dt.Rows[i - 1]["PrevState"] = tbPrevState.Text;
                    dt.Rows[i - 1]["prevzip"] = tbprevzip.Text;
                    dt.Rows[i - 1]["buyername"] = tbprevzip.Text;
                    dt.Rows[i - 1]["buyeraddress"] = tbprevzip.Text;
                    dt.Rows[i - 1]["buyercity"] = tbprevzip.Text;
                    dt.Rows[i - 1]["buyerstate"] = tbprevzip.Text;
                    dt.Rows[i - 1]["buyerzip"] = tbprevzip.Text;
                    dt.Rows[i - 1]["datesold"] = tbprevzip.Text;
                    dt.Rows[i - 1]["salePrice"] = tbprevzip.Text;
                    dt.Rows[i - 1]["description"] = tbprevzip.Text;
                    dt.Rows[i - 1]["aCost"] = tbTextBox9.Text;
                    dt.Rows[i - 1]["BtwnTBO"] = tbBtwnTBO.Text;
                    dt.Rows[i - 1]["Overhaul"] = tbOverhaul.Text;
                    dt.Rows[i - 1]["rbllastOverHaul"] = tbrbllastOverHaul.Text;
                    dt.Rows[i - 1]["TotalOnAirFrm"] = tbBtwnTBO.Text;
                    dt.Rows[i - 1]["Avionics"] = tbAvionics.Text;
                    dt.Rows[i - 1]["rissues"] = tbAvionics.Text;
                    dt.Rows[i - 1]["issuedetails"] = tbAvionics.Text;

                    rowIndex += 1;
                ViewState["CurrentTable"] = dt;
            Response.Write("ViewState is null");

//preview of data

    private void FillSummary()


        int rowIndex = 0;

        if (ViewState["CurrentTable"] != null)
            ////Initialize datatable.
            DataTable ctable = ViewState["CurrentTable"] as DataTable;

            ////Lets start looping through the second datatable for aircraft schedule info. .
            if (ctable.Rows.Count > 0)
                foreach (DataRow row in ctable.Rows)
                    //Aircraft schedule
                    string acity = row.ItemArray[1] as string;
                    string acnty = row.ItemArray[2] as string;
                    string arstate = row.ItemArray[3] as string;
                    string Regno = row.ItemArray[4] as string;
                    string mfgmake = row.ItemArray[5] as string;
                    string mfgmodel = row.ItemArray[6] as string;
                    string yrbuilt = row.ItemArray[7] as string;
                    string sn = row.ItemArray[8] as string;
                    string dtepurchased = row.ItemArray[9] as string;
                    string rbPurchaseType = row.ItemArray[10] as string;

                    //Previous Onwer info
                    string PrevOnwerName = row.ItemArray[11] as string;
                    string prevAddr = row.ItemArray[12] as string;
                    string prevCity = row.ItemArray[13] as string;
                    string PrevState = row.ItemArray[14] as string;
                    string prevzip = row.ItemArray[15] as string;

                    //New buyer info
                    string buyername = row.ItemArray[16] as string;
                    string buyeraddress = row.ItemArray[17] as string;
                    string buyercity = row.ItemArray[18] as string;
                    string buyerstate = row.ItemArray[19] as string;
                    string buyerzip = row.ItemArray[20] as string;
                    string datesold = row.ItemArray[21] as string;
                    string salePrice = row.ItemArray[22] as string;
                    string decription = row.ItemArray[23] as string;

                    string cost = row.ItemArray[24] as string;
                    string hrsbtwn = row.ItemArray[25] as string;
                    string hrsSince = row.ItemArray[26] as string;
                    string LOverhaul = row.ItemArray[27] as string;
                    string totHrs = row.ItemArray[28] as string;
                    string avionics = row.ItemArray[29] as string;
                    string rissues = row.ItemArray[30] as string;
                    string issuedetails = row.ItemArray[31] as string;

                    //Preparing to preview user entries 
                    lblAircraftCity.Text += acity + "<br />";
                    lblAircraftcnty.Text += acnty + "<br />";
                    lAblircraftstate.Text += arstate + "<br />";
                    lblARegNo.Text += Regno + "<br />";
                    lblAMake.Text += mfgmake + "<br />";
                    lblAModelNo.Text += mfgmodel + "<br />";
                    lblAYRBuilt.Text += yrbuilt + "<br />";
                    lblASN.Text += sn + "<br />";
                    lblDatePurchased.Text += dtepurchased + "<br />";
                    if (rbPurchaseType != null)
                        lblPurchType.Text += rbPurchaseType + "<br />";
                    lblFNamePrev.Text += PrevOnwerName + "<br />"; 
                    lblAddrPrev.Text += prevAddr + "<br />"; 
                    lblCityPrev.Text += prevCity + "<br />";
                    lblZipPrev.Text += prevzip + "<br />";
                    lblPurchOnwer.Text += buyername + "<br />";

                    lblPurchOnwer.Text += buyername + "<br />";
                    lblPurcAddr.Text += buyeraddress + "<br />";
                    lblPurcCity.Text += buyercity + "<br />";
                    Label1.Text += buyerstate + "<br />";
                    lblPurcZip.Text += buyerzip + "<br />";
                    lblDdatesold.Text += datesold + "<br />";
                    lblSalePrice.Text += salePrice + "<br />";
                    lblDescription.Text += decription + "<br />";
                    Label3.Text += rissues + "<br />";
                    lblfunctionalIsses.Text += issuedetails + "<br />";

                    lblAircraftCost.Text += cost + "<br />";
                    lblHrsBtwnTBO.Text += hrsbtwn + "<br />";
                    lblHrsOverhaul.Text += hrsSince + "<br />";
                    if (LOverhaul != null)
                        lblOverhaul.Text += LOverhaul + "<br />";
                        lblTotOnAirFrm.Text += totHrs + "<br />";
                    lblavionics.Text += avionics + "<br />";
                    if (rissues != null)
                        lblsitus.Text += rissues + "<br />";
                    lblfunctionalIsses.Text += issuedetails + "<br />";
                    rowIndex += 1;


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