Failure getting snapshot on UI Testing

时间:2017-08-04 13:01:52

标签: ios testing xcode-ui-testing

I'm trying to select a cell from table view in UI Testing with that code:

let clientTable = app.tables
XCTAssert(clientTable.cells.count > 0)
clientTable.cells.element(boundBy: 0).tap()

The problem is when I'm run that test on device and even in simulators I have this error:

Assertion Failure: <unknown>:0: Failure getting snapshot Error Domain=XCTDaemonErrorDomain Code=9 
"Error -25204 getting snapshot for element <AXUIElement 0x7f9ddea00e10> {pid=22751}" 
UserInfo={NSLocalizedDescription=Error -25204 getting snapshot for 
element <AXUIElement 0x7f9ddea00e10> {pid=22751}}

What could be happening?

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