Pentaho report which contains more than 7 connections are not working in pentaho DI server

时间:2017-08-04 13:00:48

标签: pentaho kettle pentaho-data-integration pentaho-report-designer

I am new to pentaho. Recently i created a job which generates some report. I am using JNDI connection in the report(.prpt). If I am using more than 7 connections inside a report, it will fail to generate report but it's working smoothly with reports which has lesser connections.

Note: If i execute using spoon, it will work fine even report has more JNDI connections but my requirement is to execute job using pentaho kettle API like this -> https://address/pentaho-di/kettle/executeJob/?job=/home/pentaho/Test/main.kjb&level=Rowlevel

Seeking for help from pentaho experts.

1 个答案:

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  1. 如果Pentaho DI服务器已在运行,请将其停止。
  2. 导航至 server \ data-integration-server \ tomcat \ webapps \ pentaho \ META-INF和     编辑context.xml文件。
  3. 在您的jdbc / mart JNDI连接中更改工厂类, 工厂=" org.apache.commons.dbcp.BasicDataSourceFactory"至, 工厂=" org.apache.tomcat.jdbc.pool.DataSourceFactory"
  4. 保存并关闭文件。
  5. 清除tomcat \ work和tomcat \ temp目录。
  6. 重新启动PDI服务器。
  7. 执行转换