Incorrect error message in SQL Server script

时间:2017-08-04 12:49:16

标签: sql-server tsql ssms sql-server-2016 ssms-2017

I was used to use alter script base on table dbVersion and each change in database was in if statement.

for example:

        @now DATETIME = GETDATE()

IF NOT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM sysobjects WHERE TYPE = 'U' and NAME = 'dbversion') BEGIN
    CREATE TABLE dbversion
        Id                  BIGINT          NOT NULL    IDENTITY    PRIMARY KEY,
        Version             INT             NOT NULL,
        Description         NVARCHAR(2048)  NULL,
        Created             DATETIME2       NOT NULL    DEFAULT GETDATE(),
        Stamp               TIMESTAMP       NOT NULL

    INSERT INTO dbversion (version, description, created)
    VALUES (0, 'Create version table for database', GETDATE())

SELECT @DbVersion = MAX(version) FROM dbversion

IF @DbVersion = 0 BEGIN
    CREATE TABLE AppUserRole
        Id              BIGINT          NOT NULL    PRIMARY KEY,
        RoleName        NVARCHAR(16)        NOT NULL,
        RoleDescription NVARCHAR(64)        NOT NULL,
        CreatedDate     DATETIME2       NOT NULL    DEFAULT GETDATE()

    INSERT INTO AppUserRole(Id, RoleName, RoleDescription, CreatedDate) 
    VALUES (1, 'role 1', 'role description', @now),
           (2, 'role 2', 'role description', @now),
           (3, 'role 3', 'role description', @now)

    SET @DbVersion = @DbVersion + 1

    INSERT INTO dbversion (version, description, created) 
    VALUES (@DbVersion, 'description', @now)

This is ok. I drop a column CreatedDate from table AppUserRole in next version:

IF @DbVersion = 1 
    ALTER TABLE AppUserRole DROP COLUMN CreatedDate

    SET @DbVersion = @DbVersion + 1

    INSERT INTO dbversion (version, description, created) 
    VALUES (@DbVersion, 'description', @now)

I am start to use SQL Server Management Studio v17.1 for SQL Server 13.0. In older version of Management Studio, the script always ran without errors.

In new version editor, I get an error

Invalid column name 'CreatedDate'

and the script does not even run.

This behavior will only begin when the table structure cache is updated - until then I can run the script over and over without errors.

In my opinion, Management Studio should not show this error, because in this location in script is no error in fact. If someone removes records in the dbVersion table, the error should occur at runtime.

When I try to debug this script, Management Studio will not allow it because the script ends on the first proper code (usually USE dbNAme)

Is there any way to prevent this script behavior? I use these structured DB scripts on many projects and I do not want to rewrite them - some are already very extensive.

Thank you

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