How to construct a parameterized class literal from two existing class literals?

时间:2017-08-04 12:47:32

标签: java class generics literals

I'd wonder, if and how it is possible to achieve the below, while only beeing able to use the two class literal variables:

Class<Foo<Bar>> getFoobar(){

    Class<Foo> fooClass = Foo.class;
    Class<Bar> barClass = Bar.class;

    // ... combine and return Class<Foo<Bar>>

... with the restriction, that it is not possible to use the types literally, but ok to retrieve the types programmatically from the class literal variables.

1 个答案:

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我们不能使用类型参数(正如你已经注意到的那样),即我们不能指望像T.classnew T()这样的表达式可以工作,因为我们对泛型类型做不了多少“编程”。参数化类型在编译后会丢失其类型参数,因此对于Foo<T>类型的以下实例:

Foo<String> foostr...;
Foo<Bar> foobar...;


foostr.getClass() == foobar.getClass() == Foo.class




class Bar {

class Foo<T> {

class Foobar extends Foo<Bar> {

  ParameterizedType getFoobar() {
    return (ParameterizedType)getClass().getGenericSuperclass();


Foobar foobar = new Foobar();
System.out.println(foobar.getFoobar().getRawType()); // Foo.class
System.out.println(foobar.getFoobar().getActualTypeArguments()[0]); // Bar.class

另一种方法基于第一种方法,但更容易实现,是使用FasterXML Jacson Project中的TypeReference(或创建自己的类)来捕获参数化类型:

class Foo<T> { ... }

class Bar { ... }

TypeReference typeReference = new TypeReference<Foo<Bar>>() {};  
ParameterizedTypeImpl parametrizedType = (ParameterizedTypeImpl) typeReference.getType();
System.out.println(parametrizedType.getTypeName()); // Foo<Bar>
System.out.println(parametrizedType.getRawType()); // Foo
System.out.println(parametrizedType.getActualTypeArguments()[0]); // Bar
