Memory leak from node/mongoose

时间:2017-08-04 12:10:12

标签: node.js mongodb mongoose memory-leaks

The below code dumps all the followers from TWITTER_USERNAME in a mongodb collection. When it's running, the memory utilization of my MongoDB database slowly increases until it crashes. I have to pause the script and restart mongo every few hours to avoid this. Is there a way for the script to get Mongo to release this memory?

var TwitterUserId = require(PATH + "/models/twitterUserId").Model;
var TwitterConnection = require(PATH + "/models/twitterConnection").Model;

util.promiseWhile = Promise.method(function(condition, action, lastValue) {
  if (!condition()) return lastValue;
  return action().then(promiseWhile.bind(null, condition, action));

var go = function(cursor) {
  if(!cursor) cursor = -1;

  var pollTwitter = function(cnn) {
    return new Promise(function(resolve,reject) {
      var parms = {
        screen_name: TWITTER_USERNAME,
        cursor: cursor
      cnn.get('followers/ids', parms,function(err,res) {
        if(err) return reject(err);
        cursor = res.next_cursor_str;

  .then(function() {
    return TwitterConnection.findOne({});
  .then(function(twitterCnnCOnfig) {
    return new twitterObject({
         consumer_key: twitterCnnCOnfig.consumerKey
        ,consumer_secret: twitterCnnCOnfig.consumerSecret
        ,access_token_key: twitterCnnCOnfig.accessTokenKey
        ,access_token_secret: twitterCnnCOnfig.accessTokenSecret
  .then(function(twitterCnn) {
      function() {
        return cursor;
      function () {
        return new Promise(function(outerResolve,outerReject) {
          twitter.parms.cursor = cursor;
          .each(function(twitterId) {
            return new Promise(function(resolve,reject) {
              return TwitterUserId.create({twitterId: twitterId})
          .then(function() {
            setTimeout(function() {
            },50 * 1000);

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