一个变量组合有两个不同的p值? corrplot :: corrplot

时间:2017-08-04 11:30:32

标签: r correlation p-value r-corrplot





#using built-in r-data:

#now for the corrplot:
M = cor(mtcars, use="complete.obs")
pval <- corr.test(M, adjust="none")$p
corrplot(M, method = "color", type = "upper", 
     order = "original", tl.col = "black", tl.srt = 45,
     family="serif", p.mat=pval, insig="p-value", sig.level=0)


(didn't let me upload the file, so you have to click the link...)

无论如何,为了说明这些不是实际的p值,让我们选择一对,即&#34; qsec&#34;和&#34; drat&#34;:

cor.test(mtcars$qsec, mtcars$drat, use="complete.obs")

得到的p值(&#34; p值= 0.6196&#34;)绝对不是你在corrplot中看到的那个(&#34; 0.14&#34;)。

这可能真的很愚蠢,我确定(p <.0001)我忽略了一些东西 - 但我不知道它是什么。帮助

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By using corr.test(M, adjust="none") you're passing the matrix M into the function. And matrix M is something different than the data you have. Try to use corr.test(mtcars, adjust="none") instead. You need to pass your actual dataset and not a matrix of correlations.

If you check how data.frame(M) looks like you'll see that your drat variable has 11 values and those are the correlations of drat and the rest of the variables. However, you want drat to be the drat column from mtcars with 32 values.

You can pass the correlation matrix M to the corrplot function, but not in the corr.test function.