
时间:2017-08-04 07:24:58

标签: java testing junit mocking



 * The public API, which has a mockable internal factory responsible for creating log implementations.
public final class LoggerManager {
    private static LoggerFactory internalFactory;
    private LoggerManager() {}

    public static SecurityLogger getSecurityLogger() {
        return getLoggerFactory().getSecurityLogger();
    public static SystemErrorLogger getSystemErrorLogger() {
        return getLoggerFactory().getSystemErrorLogger();
    private static LoggerFactory getLoggerFactory() {
        if (internalFactory == null) 
            internalFactory = new LoggerFactoryImpl();
        return internalFactory;
    public static void setLoggerFactory(LoggerFactory aLoggerFactory) {
        internalFactory = aLoggerFactory;
 * Factory interface with methods for getting all types of loggers.
public interface LoggerFactory {
    public SecurityLogger getSecurityLogger();
    public SystemErrorLogger getSystemErrorLogger();
    // ... 10 additional log types
public final class LoggerFactoryImpl implements LoggerFactory {
    private final SecurityLogger securityLogger = new SecurityLoggerImpl();
    private final SystemErrorLogger systemErrorLogger = new SystemErrorLoggerImpl();

    public SecurityLogger getSecurityLogger() {
        return securityLogger;
    public SystemErrorLogger getSystemErrorLogger() {
        return systemErrorLogger;


LoggerManager.getSystemErrorLogger().log("My really serious error");


LoggerManager.setLoggerFactory(new TestLoggerFactory());



3 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)


答案 1 :(得分:1)

I was asked in the comments to provide a sample using logger injection via CDI. There are many possible implementations, but in order to show how different qualifiers could be used I opted for this sample where I assume that the loggers share the common Logger interface and where different qualifiers are used.

However provided with the case of 10+ possible log types, I would opt for a qualifier using an enum property to decide which logger to inject.

First define your qualifiers (Security, SystemError, ....) to mark which implementation you would want to inject:

public @interface Security {

Then you have to define how you create the logger implementations. It is a factory, sort of. The implementation can depend on the injection point and values given to the qualifiers. Here for example, I just pass the loggers the class name of the class where it is injected. The two methods are used to create the different implementations. That can be achieved by applying the qualifiers to the methods.

public class LoggerProducer {

    // here perhaps a cache or environment related flags, ...

    public Logger getSecurityLogger(InjectionPoint ip) {
        String key = getKeyFromIp(ip);
        return new SecurityLoggerImpl(key);

    public Logger getSystemErrorLogger(InjectionPoint ip) {
        String key = getKeyFromIp(ip);
        return new SystemErrorLoggerImpl(key);

    private String getKeyFromIp(InjectionPoint ip) {
        return ip.getMember().getDeclaringClass().getCanonicalName();


Now you can inject your desired logger where you want to use it (see CDI configuration file beans.xml)

public class SampleService {

    private Logger securityLogger;

    public void doSomething() {
        securityLogger.log("I did something!");


When unit testing you will still have to mock the logger as you would mock every other injected object, nothing changes using CDI. When integration testing, you could change how/what loggers are produced.

Don't take it personal, but I don't get why to use 10+ different loggers and not use the mechanisms provided by most log frameworks and/or mock frameworks. Perhaps you have good reasons, well, it always helps to know all your options.

Edit: Add JUnit sample

To unit test the SampleService we create the following test case using Mockito:

public class SampleServiceTest {

    private SampleService sample;

    private Logger securityLogger;

    public void testDoSomething() {
        doThrow(new RuntimeException("Fail")).when(securityLogger).log(anyString());

        sample.doSomething(); // will fail 


The test is setup up in such a way, that when logger.log is called an exception is thrown.

答案 2 :(得分:0)

此外,您的类不是线程安全的 LoggerManager可以创建多个LoggerFactoryImpl实例,我想您正在尝试将其设为单例。 请注意getLoggerFactory()