INSERT INTO查询不能包含多值字段

时间:2017-08-04 01:37:28

标签: ms-access

我想与您分享我的代码......以下是我想要开发的简短说明:我创建了一个与我的数据库(Access Db)连接的表单。通过我想要添加数据的表格,我将按下一个按钮,新表格将显示一组控件,我的数据将被添加。然后我读取这些数据并向我的表添加一个新的数据行,该数据流绑定到datagridview。直到这里一切都很完美。

但是当我尝试更新我的数据集以保存更改时,它给了我一个错误:“INSERT INTO查询不能包含多值字段”。


 Private Function AddDataFromControlArrayToDataRow(dataset As DataSet, tableName As String, Ctrl As Control())
        Dim row As DataRow = dataset.Tables(tableName).NewRow()
        Dim c As Integer = Ctrl.Length - 1
        For k As Integer = 0 To c - 1
            If (Ctrl(k).GetType.ToString = "System.Windows.Forms.CheckBox") Then
                Dim CheckBox As CheckBox = Ctrl(k)
                row(k) = CheckBox.Checked
                If Not Ctrl(k).Text = String.Empty Then
                    row(k) = Convert.ChangeType(Ctrl(k).Text, dataset.Tables(tableName).Columns(k).DataType)
                End If
            End If
        dataset.Tables(tableName).Rows.Add(row) '<----up ot here Code is running without error
        Return Nothing
    End Function

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)

您在评论中提到您在使用DAO时遇到问题。您需要添加类似于此图像的Access Engine引用(您的版本号可能不同):

enter image description here


Imports DAO = Microsoft.Office.Interop.Access.Dao

可以在此SO问题Storing an image into an Attachment field in an Access database中找到使用DAO操作附件字段的示例。

如果您不介意使用黑客,可以使用OleDB添加/删除/提取附件。以下实用程序类是六年前我参与MSDN论坛的黑客攻击会话的结果。我发现从Byte字段检索的AttachFieldName.FileData数组是一个标题前缀数组。前4个字节定义实际文件数据的整数偏移量。这允许您重新创建附加文件。我还发现,如果你的文件数据前缀为8个字节(前四个是文件数据的偏移量,剩下的四个为零),那么Access将接受它进行存储。它将使用对您不重要的其他值扩展此标头,并使用新偏移重写前4个字节。我知道这种技术适用于Access 2007和2010,但我还没有在新版本上测试过。另外,据我所知,您仍然需要使用DAO中的数据偏移来提取原始文件;由于Field2.LoadFromFile命令,加载附件更容易。


Imports System.Data.OleDb

Public NotInheritable Class Attachments
    Private Const prependLength As Int32 = 8

    ''' <summary>Expands the attachment field name to the 2 fields that need to be retrieved</summary>
    ''' <param name="attachmentFieldName"></param>
    ''' <returns>"attachmentFieldName.FileData, attachmentFieldName.FileName"</returns>
    Public Shared Function ExpandAttachmentFieldNames(attachmentFieldName As String, tableName As String) As String
        Return String.Format("[{0}].[{1}].FileData, [{0}].[{1}].FileName", tableName, attachmentFieldName)
    End Function

    ''' <summary>Prepends the 8 byte header block required by Access to store the bytes that comprise the fiel</summary>
    ''' <param name="source"></param>
    ''' <returns>8 bytes + source</returns>
    Public Shared Function PrependFileDataHeader(source As Byte()) As Byte()
        ' Through reverse engineering, it has been determined that while length of the 
        ' actual data header varies based on file type.

        ' This header always begins with the first 4 bytes representing the offset to the actual data bytes.
        ' The bytes from index 4 (zero based) to the beginning of the data appear to represent the file type 
        ' and other undetermined information.

        ' If an 8 byte field in prepended to the data bytes, with the first 4 bytes representing the
        ' length of 8, it has been found that that Access will accept it.  The second 4 bytes will be expanded
        ' by Access and filled by it.  The initial four bytes is modified to the new data offset.

        Dim ret As Byte() = New Byte(0 To (prependLength + source.Length) - 1) {}
        Dim lengthBytes As Byte() = BitConverter.GetBytes(prependLength)
        Array.ConstrainedCopy(lengthBytes, 0, ret, 0, lengthBytes.Length)
        Array.ConstrainedCopy(source, 0, ret, prependLength, source.Length)
        Return ret
    End Function

    ''' <summary>Extracts the bytes that define the attached file</summary>
    ''' <param name="fileData">the header prepended bytes array returned by Access</param>
    ''' <returns>the bytes defining the attached file</returns>
    Public Shared Function ExtractFileBytes(fileData As Byte()) As Byte()
        Dim dataOffset As Int32 = BitConverter.ToInt32(fileData, 0)
        Dim databytes(0 To (fileData.Length - dataOffset) - 1) As Byte
        Array.ConstrainedCopy(fileData, dataOffset, databytes, 0, fileData.Length - dataOffset)
        Return databytes
    End Function

    ''' <summary>
    ''' Takes an Access FileData byte array and returns a stream of it contained file.
    ''' </summary>
    ''' <param name="fileData">the attachment data as received from Access</param>
    ''' <returns>MemoryStream constrained to the contained file data</returns>
    Public Shared Function FileDataAsStream(fileData As Byte()) As IO.MemoryStream
        Dim dataOffset As Int32 = BitConverter.ToInt32(fileData, 0)
        Dim datalength As Int32 = fileData.Length - dataOffset
        Return New IO.MemoryStream(fileData, dataOffset, datalength)
    End Function

    ''' <summary>
    ''' Takes FileData Byte() from Access and writes its contained file to the passed stream.
    ''' </summary>
    ''' <param name="fileData">the attachment data as received from Access</param>
    ''' <param name="strm">stream to copy file contents to</param>
    ''' <remarks></remarks>
    Public Shared Sub WriteFileDataToStream(fileData As Byte(), strm As IO.Stream)
        Dim dataOffset As Int32 = BitConverter.ToInt32(fileData, 0)
        Dim datalength As Int32 = fileData.Length - dataOffset
        strm.Write(fileData, dataOffset, datalength)
    End Sub

    ''' <summary>
    ''' Copies entire stream to an Access FileData Byte()
    ''' </summary>
    ''' <param name="strm">source stream to wrap in Access FileData Byte()</param>
    ''' <returns>An Access FileData Byte()</returns>
    ''' <remarks></remarks>
    Public Shared Function FileDataFromStream(strm As IO.Stream) As Byte()
        Dim ret As Byte() = Nothing
        If strm.CanSeek Then
            Dim dataLength As Int32 = CInt(strm.Length)
            strm.Position = 0
            ret = New Byte(0 To (prependLength + dataLength) - 1) {}
            Dim lengthBytes As Byte() = BitConverter.GetBytes(prependLength)
            Array.ConstrainedCopy(lengthBytes, 0, ret, 0, lengthBytes.Length)
            strm.Read(ret, prependLength, dataLength)
            Throw New IO.IOException("Stream must be seekable.")
        End If
        Return ret
    End Function

    ''' <summary>
    ''' Copies data from read file to an Access FileData Byte()
    ''' </summary>
    ''' <param name="filePath">Full path to source file</param>
    ''' <returns>An Access FileData Byte()</returns>
    Public Shared Function FileDataLoadFile(filePath As String) As Byte()
        Dim ret As Byte() = Nothing
        Dim fi As New IO.FileInfo(filePath)
        If fi.Exists Then
            Dim strm As IO.Stream = IO.File.OpenRead(filePath)
            ret = FileDataFromStream(strm)
            Throw New IO.FileNotFoundException(filePath)
        End If
        Return ret
    End Function

    ''' <summary>
    ''' Prepares a OleDBCommand with parameters to add an attachment to record
    ''' </summary>
    ''' <param name="connection">OleDbConnection to use</param>
    ''' <param name="attachmentFieldname">Name of attachment field</param>
    ''' <param name="tableName">DB Table name</param>
    ''' <param name="attachmentFileData">the raw bytes that comprise the file to attach</param>
    ''' <param name="attachmentFileName">a name for this attachment</param>
    ''' <param name="pkName">the primary key field name</param>
    ''' <param name="pkType">the type of the primary key, typically OleDbType.Integer</param>
    ''' <param name="pkValue">primary key value of the racord to add attachment to</param>
    ''' <returns>prepared OleDbCommand</returns>
    Public Shared Function AddAttachmentCommand(connection As OleDbConnection,
                                                                attachmentFieldname As String,
                                                                tableName As String,
                                                                attachmentFileData As Byte(),
                                                                attachmentFileName As String,
                                                                pkName As String,
                                                                pkType As OleDbType,
                                                                pkValue As Object) As OleDbCommand
        Dim insertCommand As New OleDb.OleDbCommand()

        insertCommand.CommandText = String.Format("INSERT INTO [{0}] ([{0}].[{1}].FileData, [{0}].[{1}].FileName) VALUES (?, ?) WHERE ([{0}].[{2}]=?)", tableName, attachmentFieldname, pkName)
        insertCommand.Connection = connection

        ' Parameter Order: FileData, FileName, pk

        Dim paramData As New OleDbParameter("FileData", OleDbType.Binary)
        paramData.Value = PrependFileDataHeader(attachmentFileData)

        Dim paramName As New OleDbParameter("FileName", OleDbType.WChar)
        paramName.Value = attachmentFileName

        insertCommand.Parameters.Add(pkName, pkType).Value = pkValue

        Return insertCommand
    End Function

    ''' <summary>
    ''' Prepares an OleDBCommand that removes the specified attachment from a record.
    ''' </summary>
    ''' <param name="connection">OleDbConnection to use</param>
    ''' <param name="attachmentFieldname">Name of attachment field</param>
    ''' <param name="tableName">DB Table name</param>
    ''' <param name="attachmentFileName">the attachment name as received from Access</param>
    ''' <param name="pkName">the primary key field name</param>
    ''' <param name="pkType">the type of the primary key, typically OleDbType.Integer</param>
    ''' <param name="pkValue">primary key value of the racord to delete attachment to</param>
    ''' <returns>prepared OleDbCommand</returns>
    Public Shared Function DeleteAttachmentCommand(connection As OleDbConnection,
                                                                attachmentFieldname As String,
                                                                tableName As String,
                                                                attachmentFileName As String,
                                                                attachmentFileData As Byte(),
                                                                pkName As String,
                                                                pkType As OleDbType,
                                                                pkValue As Object) As OleDbCommand

        ' Note:  Eventhough Access acts like FileName is the pk for attachments, 
        ' we need to include filedata in contraints, orelse all attachments for record are deleted.
        Dim deleteCommand As New OleDbCommand()
        deleteCommand.CommandText =
            String.Format("DELETE [{0}].[{1}].FileData From [{0}] WHERE ( ([{0}].[{2}] = ?) AND ([{0}].[{1}].FileName = ?) AND ([{0}].[{1}].FileData = ?) )",
                                tableName, attachmentFieldname, pkName)
        deleteCommand.Connection = connection

        ' Parameter Order: pk, FileName
        Dim paramPK As OleDbParameter = deleteCommand.Parameters.Add(pkName, pkType)
        paramPK.Value = pkValue

        Dim paramName As New OleDbParameter("FileName", OleDbType.WChar)
        paramName.Value = attachmentFileName

        Dim paramData As New OleDbParameter("FileData", OleDbType.Binary)
        paramData.Value = attachmentFileData
        Return deleteCommand
    End Function
End Class ' Attachments

Public NotInheritable Class Connect 
    Public Shared Function ConnectionString(dbFilePath As String) As String
        Return String.Format("Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;Data Source='{0}';Persist Security Info=True", dbFilePath)
    End Function
End Class

出于以下所示的演示用法代码的目的,基于您的表模式,上述类位于名称空间AccessUtilities中。 Button处理程序添加新记录和附件。 Button2处理程序演示了如何删除附件。我从来没有想过如何修改(更新)附件。如果您需要这样做,只需删除现有的一个并添加一个带有修订信息的新的。

    ' Table Schema
    ' Field                 Type            
    ' --------------        --------------------
    ' ID                        AutoNumber
    ' ClientName            Text
    ' Attachments           Attachment

Public Class Form1
    Const pkName As String = "ID"
    Const pkDataType As OleDb.OleDbType = OleDb.OleDbType.Integer
    Const attachmentFieldName As String = "Attachments"
    Const tableName As String = "MyTable"
    Const dbPath As String = "C:\Users\UserName\Documents\DBs\Access\AttachmentDemoTest.accdb"

    ' adds a empty record and returns its PK (ID)
    Private Function AddNewRecord(clientName As String) As Int32
        Dim ret As Int32
        Using conn As New OleDb.OleDbConnection(AccessUtilities.Connect.ConnectionString(dbPath))
            Dim insertCommand As New OleDb.OleDbCommand()
            insertCommand.CommandText = String.Format("INSERT INTO {0} (ClientName) VALUES (?)", tableName)
            Dim paramDesc As OleDb.OleDbParameter = insertCommand.Parameters.Add("Description", OleDb.OleDbType.VarWChar)
            paramDesc.IsNullable = True
            paramDesc.Value = DBNull.Value
            insertCommand.Connection = conn

            ret = insertCommand.ExecuteNonQuery

            If ret = 1 Then ' one record inserted, retrieve pk
                insertCommand.CommandText = "Select @@IDENTITY"
                ret = CInt(insertCommand.ExecuteScalar)
            End If

        End Using
        Return ret
    End Function

    Private Sub AddRecordAndAttachment(clientName As String, fileBytes As Byte(), fileName As String)
        Dim id As Int32 = AddNewRecord(clientName)
        ' adding an attachment only needs a way to refer to the record to attach to
        ' this is done using the pk (ID)
        Using conn As New OleDb.OleDbConnection(AccessUtilities.Connect.ConnectionString(dbPath))
            Dim attachCommand As OleDb.OleDbCommand = AccessUtilities.Attachments.AddAttachmentCommand(conn, attachmentFieldName, tableName, fileBytes, fileName, pkName, pkDataType, id)
            Dim result As Int32 = attachCommand.ExecuteNonQuery()
        End Using
    End Sub

    Private Sub Button1_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
        ' demo adding new record and attachment
        Dim fileBytes As Byte() = IO.File.ReadAllBytes("C:\Users\UserName\Pictures\BottleTop.png")
        AddRecordAndAttachment("Fred Inc.", fileBytes, "FredsPic.png")
    End Sub

    Private Sub Button2_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Button2.Click

        Dim id As Int32 = 1 ' assumed - change as needed

        ' need to retrieve FileData and FileName from an attachment
        Using conn As New OleDb.OleDbConnection(AccessUtilities.Connect.ConnectionString(dbPath))
            ' retrieve all attachments for id
            Dim selectCommand As New OleDb.OleDbCommand
            selectCommand.CommandText = String.Format("Select {0} From [{1}] Where [{1}].[{2}]=?", AccessUtilities.Attachments.ExpandAttachmentFieldNames(attachmentFieldName, tableName), tableName, pkName)
            selectCommand.Parameters.Add("ID", OleDb.OleDbType.Integer).Value = id
            selectCommand.Connection = conn
            Dim dt As New DataTable
            Dim da As New OleDb.OleDbDataAdapter(selectCommand)

            If dt.Rows.Count > 0 Then ' we have attachments
                ' delete the 1st attachment retrieved
                Dim accessFileData As Byte() = CType(dt.Rows(0).Item(String.Format("{0}.{1}.FileData", tableName, attachmentFieldName)), Byte())
                Dim accessFileName As String = CStr(dt.Rows(0).Item(String.Format("{0}.{1}.FileName", tableName, attachmentFieldName)))

                Dim deleteCommand As OleDb.OleDbCommand = AccessUtilities.Attachments.DeleteAttachmentCommand(conn, attachmentFieldName, tableName, accessFileName, accessFileData, pkName, pkDataType, id)
                Dim result As Int32 = deleteCommand.ExecuteNonQuery()   ' if = 1 then attachment deleted
            End If
        End Using

    End Sub

End Class


Using multivalued fields in queries