
时间:2017-08-03 23:21:46

标签: haskell if-statement input passwords output


main = do 
  putStrLn "Hello, Who are you?"
  name <- getLine --User Input
  putStrLn ("Hey " ++ name ++ ", What's the password?")
  pass <- getLine
  if pass == "12345"
      then do 
      putStrLn ("Welcome")
      pw -- Go to password Prompt
      else do
          putStrLn "That is wrong!"
          main --Sent back to beginning
pw = do
putStrLn "What Password do you need?"


1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)


What password do you need?

用户输入 Yahoo

OK, the password for the website "Yahoo" is "asdf"


import qualified Data.Map.Strict as Map

现在您可以访问记录的所有类型和功能here。现在,您可以使用Map.fromList :: [(String,String)] -> Map.Map String String[(String,String)]String s对的列表)转换为Map.Map String String(从String到其他String的映射websites :: Map.Map String String websites = Map.fromList [("Yahoo","asdf") ,("Google","meow") -- You can add more here if you need to ] S):

Map.lookup :: String -> Map.Map String String -> Maybe String

现在,您可以使用Map.lookup "Yahoo" websites ==> Just "asdf" 查找网站并获取其相关密码:

Just "asdf"

请注意,它返回Nothing而不是Yahoo,因为它能够在websites中找到-- Get the website name and put it in websiteName putStrLn "What password do you need?" websiteName <- getLine -- Check our Map for the website name the user gave us case Map.lookup websiteName websites of -- If we found the password, print it out with a nice message Just thePassword -> putStrLn $ "OK, your password is: " ++ thePassword -- If that website was not in our Map, print an error message Nothing -> putStrLn "Website not found :(" 。现在我们只需要一点IO胶水来获取用户的输入并打印出结果,例如:
