
时间:2017-08-03 14:16:39

标签: haskell pattern-matching boolean-logic


data Expression 
    = Literal Bool 
    | Variable String
    | Not Expression 
    | Or Expression Expression 
    | And Expression Expression
    deriving Eq

simplify :: Expression -> Expression
simplify (Literal b) = Literal b
simplify (Variable s) = Variable s
simplify (Not e) = case simplify e of
    (Literal b) -> Literal (not b)
    e'          -> Not e'
simplify (And a b) = case (simplify a, simplify b) of
    (Literal False, _) -> Literal False
    (_, Literal False) -> Literal False
    (a', b')           -> And a' b'
simplify (Or a b) = case (simplify a, simplify b) of
    (Literal True, _) -> Literal True
    (_, Literal True) -> Literal True
    (a', b')          -> Or a' b'



现在,添加规则以简化And (Variable "x") (Not (Variable "x"))Literal False要求我添加两个嵌套规则,这些规则几乎都是最优的。

5 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:12)


simplify :: Expression -> Expression
simplify (Literal b) = Literal b
simplify (Variable s) = Variable s
simplify (Not e) = simplify' . Not $ simplify e
simplify (And a b) = simplify' $ And (simplify a) (simplify b)
simplify (Or a b) = simplify' $ Or (simplify a) (simplify b)

simplify' :: Expression -> Expression
simplify' (Not (Literal b)) = Literal $ not b
simplify' (And (Literal False) _) = Literal False


data Expression 
    = Literal Bool 
    | Variable String
    | BoolPrefix BoolPrefix Expression 
    | BoolInfix BoolInfix Expression Expression 
    deriving Eq

data BoolPrefix = Negation
data BoolInfix  = AndOp | OrOp


simplify (Literal b) = Literal b
simplify (Variable s) = Variable s
simplify (BoolPrefix bpf e) = simplify' . BoolPrefix bpf $ simplify e
simplify (BoolInfix bifx a b) = simplify' $ BoolInfix bifx (simplify a) (simplify b)

显然这会让simplify'更加尴尬,所以也许不是一个好主意。但是,您可以通过定义专门的pattern synonyms

{-# LANGUAGE PatternSynonyms #-}

pattern Not :: Expression -> Expression
pattern Not x = BoolPrefix Negation x

infixr 3 :∧
pattern (:∧) :: Expression -> Expression -> Expression
pattern a:∧b = BoolInfix AndOp a b

infixr 2 :∨
pattern (:∨) :: Expression -> Expression -> Expression
pattern a:∨b = BoolInfix OrOp a b


pattern F, T :: Expression
pattern F = Literal False
pattern T = Literal True


simplify' :: Expression -> Expression
simplify' (Not (Literal b)) = Literal $ not b
simplify' (F :∧ _) = F
simplify' (_ :∧ F) = F
simplify' (T :∨ _) = T
simplify' (a :∧ Not b) | a==b  = T

我应该添加一个警告:when I tried something similar to those pattern synonyms, not for booleans but affine mappings, it made the compiler extremely slow。 (另外,GHC-7.10还没有支持多态模式同义词;截至目前,这已经发生了很大变化。)

另请注意,所有这些通常不会产生最简单的形式 - 为此,您需要找到simplify的固定点。

答案 1 :(得分:11)


module Simple (Expression, true, false, var, not, or, and) where

import Prelude hiding (not, or, and)

data Expression
    = Literal Bool
    | Variable String
    | Not Expression
    | Or Expression Expression
    | And Expression Expression
    deriving (Eq, Ord, Read, Show)

true = Literal True
false = Literal False
var = Variable

not (Literal True) = false
not (Literal False) = true
not x = Not x

or (Literal True) _ = true
or _ (Literal True) = true
or x y = Or x y

and (Literal False) _ = false
and _ (Literal False) = false
and x y = And x y


> and (var "x") (and (var "y") false)
Literal False


{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE KindSignatures #-}
module Simple (Format(..), true, false, var, not, or, and) where

import Prelude hiding (not, or, and)

data Format = Explicit | Simplified

data Expression (a :: Format)
    = Literal Bool
    | Variable String
    | Not (Expression a)
    | Or (Expression a) (Expression a)
    | And (Expression a) (Expression a)
    deriving (Eq, Ord, Read, Show)

class Expr e where
    true, false :: e
    var :: String -> e
    not :: e -> e
    or, and :: e -> e -> e

instance Expr (Expression Explicit) where
    true = Literal True
    false = Literal False
    var = Variable
    not = Not
    or = Or
    and = And

instance Expr (Expression Simplified) where
    true = Literal True
    false = Literal False
    var = Variable

    not (Literal True) = false
    not (Literal False) = true
    not x = Not x

    or (Literal True) _ = true
    or _ (Literal True) = true
    or x y = Or x y

    and (Literal False) _ = false
    and _ (Literal False) = false
    and x y = And x y


> :set -XDataKinds
> and (var "x") (and (var "y") false) :: Expression Explicit
And (Variable "x") (And (Variable "y") (Literal False))
> and (var "x") (and (var "y") false) :: Expression Simplified
Literal False


and (Variable x) (Not (Variable y)) | x == y = false
and (Not (Variable x)) (Variable y) | x == y = false


{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE KindSignatures #-}
module Simple (Format(..), true, false, var, not, or, and) where

import Data.Maybe
import Data.Monoid
import Prelude hiding (not, or, and)
import Control.Applicative ((<|>))

data Format = Explicit | Simplified

data Expression (a :: Format)
    = Literal Bool
    | Variable String
    | Not (Expression a)
    | Or (Expression a) (Expression a)
    | And (Expression a) (Expression a)
    deriving (Eq, Ord, Read, Show)

class Expr e where
    true, false :: e
    var :: String -> e
    not :: e -> e
    or, and :: e -> e -> e

instance Expr (Expression Explicit) where
    true = Literal True
    false = Literal False
    var = Variable
    not = Not
    or = Or
    and = And

eitherOrder :: (e -> e -> e)
            -> (e -> e -> Maybe e)
            -> e -> e -> e
eitherOrder fExplicit fSimplified x y = fromMaybe
    (fExplicit x y)
    (fSimplified x y <|> fSimplified y x)

instance Expr (Expression Simplified) where
    true = Literal True
    false = Literal False
    var = Variable

    not (Literal True) = false
    not (Literal False) = true
    not (Not x) = x
    not x = Not x

    or = eitherOrder Or go where
        go (Literal True) _ = Just true
        go (Literal False) x = Just x
        go (Variable x) (Variable y) | x == y = Just (var x)
        go (Variable x) (Not (Variable y)) | x == y = Just true
        go _ _ = Nothing

    and = eitherOrder And go where
        go (Literal True) x = Just x
        go (Literal False) _ = Just false
        go (Variable x) (Variable y) | x == y = Just (var x)
        go (Variable x) (Not (Variable y)) | x == y = Just false
        go _ _ = Nothing


> and (not (not (var "x"))) (var "x") :: Expression Simplified
Variable "x"


> and (not (var "x")) (var "x") :: Expression Simplified
Literal False
> and (var "x") (not (var "x")) :: Expression Simplified
Literal False

答案 2 :(得分:6)



simplify x = case x of
   Literal _  -> x
   Variable _ -> x
   Not e      -> simplifyNot $ simplify e
     sharedFunc1 = ...
     sharedFunc2 = ...

这具有包括共享功能的额外好处,所有共享功能可用于所有情况但不能用于顶级命名空间。我也喜欢这些案例如何从括号中解脱出来。 (另请注意,在前两种情况下,我只返回原始术语,而不是创建新术语)。我经常使用这种结构来突破其他简化函数,就像Not一样。


simplify :: Expression' -> Expression'
simplify = Exp . reduce . fmap simplify . unExp


{-# Language DeriveFunctor #-}

newtype Expression' = Exp { unExp :: ExpressionF Expression' }

data ExpressionF e
  = Literal Bool 
  | Variable String
  | Not e 
  | Or e e
  | And e e
  deriving (Eq,Functor)



simplifyMb :: Expression' -> Maybe Expression'
simplifyMb = fmap Exp . reduceMb <=< traverse simplifyMb . unExp

此处traverse会将simplfyMb应用于ExpressionF的子标题,从而生成Maybe个子句点ExpressionF (Maybe Expression')的表达式,如果有的话子标题为Nothing,它将返回Nothing,如果全部为Just x,则返回Just (e::ExpressionF Expression')。 Traverse实际上并没有像这样分成不同的阶段,但它更容易解释,就好像它一样。另请注意,您需要DeriveTraversable和DeriveFoldable的语言编译指示,以及ExpressionF数据类型的派生语句。


simplifyMb (Exp $ Not (Exp $ Literal True))


答案 3 :(得分:2)

继续您的Binary Op Expression Expression想法,我们可以使用数据类型:

data Expression
    = Literal Bool
    | Variable String
    | Not Expression
    | Binary Op Expression Expression
    deriving Eq

data Op = Or | And deriving Eq


{-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns #-}

simplifyBinary  :: Op -> Expression -> Expression -> Expression
simplifyBinary  binop (simplify -> leftexp) (simplify -> rightexp) =
    case oneway binop leftexp rightexp ++ oneway binop rightexp leftexp of
        simplified : _ -> simplified
        []             -> Binary binop leftexp rightexp
    oneway :: Op -> Expression -> Expression -> [Expression]
    oneway And (Literal False) _ = [Literal False]
    oneway Or  (Literal True)  _ = [Literal True]
    -- more cases here
    oneway _   _               _ = []


答案 4 :(得分:2)


simplifyBinWith :: (Bool -> Bool -> Bool) -- the boolean operation
                -> (Expression -> Expression -> Expression) -- the constructor
                -> Expression -> Expression -- the two operands
                -> Expression) -- the simplified result
simplifyBinWith op cons a b = case (simplify a, simplify b) of
    (Literal x, Literal y) -> Literal (op x y)
    (Literal x, b')        -> tryAll (x `op`) b'
    (a',        Literal y) -> tryAll (`op` y) a'
    (a',        b')        -> cons a' b'
    tryAll f term = case (f True, f False) of -- what would f do if term was true of false
      (True,  True)  -> Literal True
      (True,  False) -> term
      (False, True)  -> Not term
      (False, False) -> Literal False


simplify :: Expression -> Expression
simplify (Not e)   = case simplify e of
    (Literal b) -> Literal (not b)
    e'          -> Not e'
simplify (And a b) = simplifyBinWith (&&) And a b
simplify (Or a b)  = simplifyBinWith (||) Or a b
simplify t         = t

可以很容易地扩展到更多二进制操作。它也适用于Binary Op Expression Expression这个想法,您将Op而不是Expression构造函数传递给simplifyBinWithsimplify中的模式可以概括:

simplify :: Expression -> Expression
simplify (Not e)         = case simplify e of
    (Literal b) -> Literal (not b)
    e'          -> Not e'
simplify (Binary op a b) = simplifyBinWith (case op of
    And -> (&&)
    Or -> (||)
    Xor -> (/=)
    Implies -> (<=)
    Equals -> (==)
  ) op a b
simplify t               = t
    simplifyBinWith f op a b = case (simplify a, simplify b) of
      (Literal x, Literal y) -> Literal (f x y)
      (a',        b')        -> Binary op a' b'