
时间:2017-08-03 13:48:51

标签: r outliers

我是使用R的新手,我只是从异常值套餐开始。可能这很容易,但有人可以告诉我如何同时运行几个Grubbs测试吗?我有20列,我想同时测试所有这些列。 提前致谢

编辑:抱歉没有解释好。我试试。我今天开始使用R,我学习了如何使用grubbs.test(数据$ S1,类型= 10或11或20)进行Grubbs测试,并且进展顺利。但是我有一个包含20列的表,我想同时为每个列运行Grubbs测试。我可以一个一个地做,但我认为必须有一种方法来更快地做到这一点。 我也在How to repeat the Grubbs test and flag the outliers处运行代码,并且工作得很好,但是我想再次使用我的20个样本。 作为我的数据的一个例子:

S1 S2 S3 S4 S5 S6 S7 96 40 99 45 12 16 48 52 49 11 49 59 77 64 18 43 11 67 6 97 91 79 19 39 28 45 44 99 9 78 88 6 25 43 78 60 12 29 32 2 68 25 18 61 60 30 26 51 70 96 98 55 74 83 17 69 19 0 17 24 0 75 45 42 70 71 7 61 82 100 39 80 71 58 6 100 94 100 5 41 18 33 98 97


2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:3)



df = data.frame(a=runif(20),b=runif(20),c=runif(20))
tests = lapply(df,grubbs.test) 
# or with parameters:
tests = lapply(df,grubbs.test,opposite=T)


> tests

    Grubbs test for one outlier

data:  X[[i]]
G = 1.80680, U = 0.81914, p-value = 0.6158
alternative hypothesis: highest value 0.963759744539857 is an outlier


    Grubbs test for one outlier

data:  X[[i]]
G = 1.53140, U = 0.87008, p-value = 1
alternative hypothesis: highest value 0.975481075001881 is an outlier


    Grubbs test for one outlier

data:  X[[i]]
G = 1.57910, U = 0.86186, p-value = 1
alternative hypothesis: lowest value 0.0136249314527959 is an outlier


> tests$a$statistic
        G         U 
1.8067906 0.8191417


答案 1 :(得分:0)




创建一些数据-我们将使用Florian's answer中的数据,但会转换为现代的tibble和长格式:

df <-  tibble(a = runif(20), 
              b = runif(20),
              c = runif(20)) %>%
  # transform to along format
  tidyr::gather(letter, value)


df %>%
  group_by(letter) %>%
  nest() %>% 
  mutate(n = map_dbl(data, ~ nrow(.x)), # number of entries
         G = map(data, ~ grubbs.test(.x$value)$statistic[[1]]), # G statistic
         U = map(data, ~ grubbs.test(.x$value)$statistic[[2]]), # U statistic
         grubbs = map(data, ~ grubbs.test(.x$value)$alternative), # Alternative hypotesis
         p_grubbs = map_dbl(data, ~ grubbs.test(.x$value)$p.value)) %>% # p-value
  # Let's make the output more fancy
  mutate(G = signif(unlist(G), 3),
         U = signif(unlist(U), 3),
         grubbs = unlist(grubbs),
         p_grubbs = signif(p_grubbs, 3)) %>%
  select(-data) %>% # remove temporary column


# A tibble: 3 x 6
  letter     n     G     U grubbs                                        p_grubbs
  <chr>  <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <chr>                                            <dbl>
1 c         20  1.68 0.843 lowest value 0.0489965472370386 is an outlier     0.84
2 a         20  1.58 0.862 lowest value 0.0174888013862073 is an outlier     1   
3 b         20  1.57 0.863 lowest value 0.0656482006888837 is an outlier     1